Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 24, 2020
paragon schnitzophonic
I wonder why feeding tubes aren’t an option. If they have such a sensory issue that they’ll starve rather than eat 99% of the food in existence and puke if they even take a bite, then they should have feeding tubes put in and they eat via nutritional shake poured into the tube. Better that than dealing with meltdowns or the fallout of the consequences of deficient nutrition.

My guess is there's no way to keep a feeding tube in an awtard long enough for it to receive proper nutrition through it. Unless they are placed in four point restraints and given elephant tranquilizers during feeding sessions on a daily basis, they're going to yank out a feeding tube about half a second after it gets inserted. Not to mention the colossal fight that will ensue just trying to place the tube, either the first time or after each subsequent removal. You could spend the whole day trying to tube a starving autistic fucker and wind up no closer to putting calories in them than when you started.

And depending on the type of feeding tube they get, yanking it out could warrant a trip to the ER. Plus I imagine having a feeding tube placed is insanely expensive and breeders aren't willing to pay that much for something the kid is going to remove anyway.

Why do "sex addicts" need to cheat? If they're addicted to sex, *and not just using addiction as an excuse to be serial cheaters*, why don't they just constantly crave sex with their partners? I only ever hear the term "sex addict" in conjunction with cheating. So are they addicted to sex, or to cheating? Because those are two very different things.

I guess because Moos are that repulsive that not even someone who wants to fuck 24/7 will have them. This one still fucks his wife, so I guess she's not completely horrible, but he probably figures that he can do whatever he wants and face no consequences because religion discourages his wife from leaving him and he's already guilt tripped her into keeping her yap shut about his extra-marital activities for famblee preservation. Dude's got it made.

My guess is the guy's not a sex addict - he probably just has a high sex drive compared to hers and has an affinity for screwing around with loads of other women simply because he can. Sex addiction is being consumed every waking moment by thoughts and desires of sex to the point it disrupts your life. It's engaging in sexual activities constantly even when you no longer derive pleasure from them or even feel guilt or dissatisfaction. It's a constant need for sex that comes before family, friends, personal health, hobbies and responsibilites. Some sex addicts acknowledge they have an issue and may try to stop too. This guy just sounds like a horn dog. There's some overlap between the two states, but they are different.

And of course the moron doesn't use protection with the guy, which is why she got herself knocked up a second time after having only a single postpartum period. But I'm sure Sky Daddy has something to do with that.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 24, 2020

And I can't do anything about anything. I'm catholic so I can't have an abortion. We not (sic) supposed to get divorced. A priest told me I "wasn't qualified" to decide if my marriage should end. I can't talk to almost anyone because my husband doesn't want relationships with my family ruined (my mom watches the babies while we work). I can't talk to coworkers, I can't talk to anyone at church, or neighbors. Only three friends know, and only one knows about this baby. And my therapist too.

When I read the part about being Catholic so she "can't" have an abortion I laughed out loud. Trust me, PLENTY of religious people get abortions.

Me too. And when is this woman going to stop listening to other people who tell her what she can and can't do and start listening to what she wants to do instead? She doesn't have to say a word to others and as an adult she doesn't need anyone else's approval. These people she surrounds herself with are going to support the marriage, famblee, and working it out. Guess her husband saw all this and knew he had a sitting duck that would take his crap and would take care of all the kids he wants to make. He wasn't "cheating" within a month of their marriage, he never stopped seeing other women. He was likely with one after his bachelor party. Make the appointment, go to the clinic. Stop talking about it (which will do nothing to improve the situation) and take action.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 24, 2020
Good points about the sex addiction. If he's addicted to sex, he could just masturbate.

Using the word addiction is just a big fat excuse for him to cheat and this Moo is dumb enough to buy it.


He wasn't "cheating" within a month of their marriage, he never stopped seeing other women

Yep, and this bint was dumb enough to conceive three times with him.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 24, 2020
This is why women of childbearing age will never be taken seriously by employers. Is this a firable offense?


I’m currently 29 weeks pregnant. I start a new job on Monday. The job is much needed for my sanity. I did not tell them I was pregnant. I tried the honest route with other potential employers and it backfired. I’m starting to feel like an asshole because of the guilt of leaving them without help in a few short weeks. I just don’t know how to approach them and tell them I’m pregnant and would still like to come back. I’m just lost and confused. Just needed to vent, I guess.

Predictably the comments are in full support of the piggo, not the employer.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 24, 2020
Unfortunately, I think an employer would probably get into a shitload of trouble for firing a piggo because it would be considered discrimination based on family status. Still, it's a pretty shit thing to do to accept a job knowing full well you're going to leave again in a few months and stay gone for a few more months.

Any reason why she couldn't wait until she crapped the loaf to get a job? It would have marginally improved her chances of getting hired.

And yeah, no shit that honesty about her "delicate condition" is going to keep her unemployed. Nobody wants to hire someone who's up the duff because they're going to leave again anyway and stay gone for dog knows how long. I'm assuming this woman is either very fat or carrying her pregnancy visually well because I imagine she'd be showing at this point and she wouldn't be able to hide her gut from an interviewer.

I hope they find a way to fire her ass because you know she's going to be fucking useless as an employee once she spawns.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 25, 2020
This is why women of childbearing age will never be taken seriously by employers. Is this a firable offense?


I’m currently 29 weeks pregnant. I start a new job on Monday. The job is much needed for my sanity. I did not tell them I was pregnant. I tried the honest route with other potential employers and it backfired. I’m starting to feel like an asshole because of the guilt of leaving them without help in a few short weeks. I just don’t know how to approach them and tell them I’m pregnant and would still like to come back. I’m just lost and confused. Just needed to vent, I guess.

Predictably the comments are in full support of the piggo, not the employer.

Unless she was interviewed on video I don't see how they could overlook the fact that this woman is over 7 mos. along. Breeders may be overall dumb but very few would be dumb enough to admit being pregnant in a job interview.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 27, 2020
This vegetarian moo is pissed because her meal ticket husband refused to help her clean the Thanksgiving mess, put away the leftovers and doesn't help with their baby. So what does she do? She launches the turkey and roasting pan out the apartment window over the balcony. At least the coyotes got a good meal. hysterical laughter

Moo makes it seem like he's a POS for never helping around the house, but in the comments she says that he's a good father and excellent meal ticket provider so I'm going to assume that she's a SHAMoo. And well, if she's not working by choice, then yes, the home and childcare is her responsibility.

He sounds like a red piller/manosphere type, because he makes her "earn respect" from him. Why the hell would somebody marry and breed with somebody like this? thinks someone else is crazy

When Turkeys Fly

Edit: Thank you everyone for your kindness!!

I sorta wish that I would have actually done the post under my actual account now, lol but I was thinking someone would have found me because it's my gamer tag on PS4 and Xbox.

I just want to say that no - violence isn't always the answer. But, my husband shouldn't have to "make me earn", his respect in regards to cooking and entire meal and then arguing with me once I've asked him for help. He literally laid around allllll day like a fucking princess then proceeded to complain.

And further in the night after the Coyotes stole the turkey (LOL), he complained even more about being "too tired" because our DAUGHTER cried often. Too tired, is the key here, y'all. I'm really reconsidering my marriage at this point.

I wish everyone the best, and I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving! (Still can't believe some coyotes stole that turkey last night though! Lolllll)

Original post:

For our first Thanksgiving, I stood on my feet cooking for my husband and I for five hours. We have a infant daughter who's not quite on solids yet.

She had a brand new outfit to wear for pictures for her first Thanksgiving. I asked husband to wash it for me, and to dry it. It sat in the washer alllll day. He made no effort to dry it or to get her dressed.

Husband never wants to put up food for leftovers. He leaves it out all night or expects me to do it. Then has the nerve to eat fast food all week then complain about being broke.

I asked him last night to slice up the turkey and to place it in the containers to finish off this weekend. One simple request. After five hours of cooking.

"I don't want to do that." I didn't ask you if you didn't want to. "I don't feel like it." I didn't ask you if you felt like it. "Well, just get rid of the turkey." This man argues with me daily about EVERYTHING.

I lost it. I spent $145 this week on groceries, for him to have Thanksgiving leftovers and other stuff to eat for dinner this week. I also purchased his "essentials" for his lunches he needs to pack for work. I had cut my hand trying to do it and really, really needed his help parting the leftover turkey. I'm Vegetarian, so the turkey was for him. We need to save money instead since we plan to have a home built. Not die from morbid obesity from eating fast food daily.

I took the turkey - pan and all - and LAUNCHED it in the air off our balcony

He was so shocked he stood there in awe. I'm at my wits end. I'm so tired of this SHIT week I honestly don't care about turkey, saving money, etc. anymore. I explained to him that going forward, I'll only be cooking dinner for myself and our daughter. He needs to figure out his dinner.

He proclaimed how much bullshit he believes that is, but I think it's even more bullshit that he has a CHOICE on whether he can or not. Our daughter cried allllll day and he barely tended to her. Just hid in his bathroom on his phone 90% of the day. I'm done cooking only for him to not clean the kitchen or to package up food for lunch the next day.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 27, 2020
Yeah, literally throw your money out the window! That'll teach the guy to not be a douchebag anymore! bemused eye roll

I just cannot feel sorry for these women. I fully agree their husbands/boyfriends are worthless and often abusive sacks of shit, but these women also choose them, choose to stay with them, choose to marry them and choose to have kids with them. You can't tell me that these assholes' horrible personalities didn't fully manifest until after the brats were shat. Are these women really that desperate to have a cock in them that they're willing to put up with this shit long-term? Surely a dildo or something that vibrates would be far more enjoyable than one of these colossal nutsacks these women breed with.

So after this moron gets done bitching about how her husband makes her angry enough to chuck an entire turkey out the window, she discusses how they need to save money because they're going to build a house together. Because of course they're going to further cement their horrid relationship under the commitment of a house, and it won't be long before she's knocked up again with another child her partner will proceed to neglect.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 27, 2020
I hope she doesn't stay with this guy and cuts her losses after one kid, but they never do. She mentioned they are building a house together and he argues with her about everything.



He sounds like a red piller/manosphere type, because he makes her "earn respect" from him. Why the hell would somebody marry and breed with somebody like this?

WTF is that all about? Shouldn't love, respect and the desire to be an equal partner be established prior to marriage?

These woman need to make the men earn them prior to marriage, but maybe they are too desperate.

From what I've witnessed IRL from afar, there are some men who become worthless after a kid is born and they dump the cunt work. But there are also women who are willing to overlook red flags and they think having a kid will turn an irresponsible guy into father material.

Hard to know, but this seems like a common situation over at Reddit.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 28, 2020
Usually it's the Moos who pull the scheduled sex for babby crap, but this is the first time I've heard of a guy doing it. Apparently, Duh is convinced that scheduled sex will maximize their chances of producing a goldenpenis, which he desperately wants because they already have a girl and intend to stop at two kids, so it is super duper important that the second child be born with the correct genitals.

Poor Moo is just soooo horny and hates that her husband won't touch her outside of their scheduled sex days when she is not ovulating. Sounds to me like he is trying to minimize sex with her because he isn't attracted to her and is blaming it on TTCing, especially the bit about how Moo can't even remember the last time they had sex.

Just about all men will fuck their wives at any given time when they are willing to do it, even if they no longer care about them, so for this guy to be turning sex down means he probably finds his Moo wife repulsive and/or he's getting some on the side.

You know for a fact that if the second kid winds up being female, they'll keep trying for the coveted male heir no matter what they say. It's a shame they can't just be, you know, happy about whatever comes out like decent parents would be. Or also just not fucking breeding during a fucking pandemic! Why are people so goddamn retarded?


I just got off my period and I’ve been horny for days. I can’t remember the last time we had sex. All I want is for him to take me to pound town. But noooooo.

This is the first month on our TTC journey for number two and he wants to optimize our chances of having a boy because I want to be done after two kids. Three years ago when we were trying for our daughter, my dumbass told him a cool fact that maybe we could try for a boy if we time it just right. Now he’s fucking obsessed to the point that even if I KNOW I’m gonna start my period the next damn day, he still refuses to raw dog it and kills the mood by putting on a condom. “We need to stick to the plan.”

Well, apparently the plan also includes him not having sex with me until I’m ovulating, which knowing my long ass 34 day cycles isn’t for another week. So now I’m just pissed at him because literally nothing I say will convince him to have sex with me tonight. He believes an internet article over me and my knowledge of my own body (im closely tracking my cycle and fertility signs). He’s also worried about lowering his sperm count, but he has zero reason to be.

He is so infuriating sometimes and I’m so damn horny. Ugh!!!!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 01, 2020
Husband never wants to put up food for leftovers. He leaves it out all night or expects me to do it. Then has the nerve to eat fast food all week then complain about being broke.

I asked him last night to slice up the turkey and to place it in the containers to finish off this weekend. One simple request. After five hours of cooking.

"I don't want to do that." I didn't ask you if you didn't want to. "I don't feel like it." I didn't ask you if you felt like it. "Well, just get rid of the turkey." This man argues with me daily about EVERYTHING.

This man whines about putting up food for leftovers and whines about being broke because he didn't bother to put up the leftovers. And he argues with her daily about everything. She has a job. She needs to save up money and get out and in the meantime do anything she can to tune out his whining. And stop cooking him dinners because clearly he isn't grateful. He is unhappy and is going to spread it around to anyone nearby. I wonder if he was this way prior to having their child. This is their first Thanksgiving together so they were married less than a few months before she was pregnant. Was it a shot gun weddin?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 01, 2020
Usually it's the Moos who pull the scheduled sex for babby crap, but this is the first time I've heard of a guy doing it. Apparently, Duh is convinced that scheduled sex will maximize their chances of producing a goldenpenis, which he desperately wants because they already have a girl and intend to stop at two kids, so it is super duper important that the second child be born with the correct genitals.

Duh needs to go to a doctor who will tell him there is no guaranteed way to have a goldenpenis. This isn't the Victorian era, everyone (except duh, apparently) is aware that the male sperm determines the baby's sex. Here's hoping his kids are brighter than he is.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 02, 2020
I'd say any kid that Duh has this time around will be fucked. If it's a girl, she'll never be good enough for Daddy because she was "supposed to" be a boy. If it's a boy, Duh will be obsessed with trying to turn him into a mini-me regardless of what the kid wants. And if it's a boy that does something "gay" like look at a rainbow or want to wear a pink shirt, Duh will be clamoring for another boy because the first one is "broken." From what I've noticed, straight men who really want boy children are often homophobic. Hopefully they don't wind up conceiving at all because no kid needs to deal with that shit.

Moo is complaining (but not complaining) because her toddler's daycare is potty training her successfully while Moo was holding off on teaching her kid to shit in a toilet because of speech delays (because that's relevant?). I assume she's butthurt because the daycare staff are better at parenting her child than Moo is and now she can't blame her kid's alleged delays for the lack of toilet training.

Also, what the hell is an essential non-essential worker? It's one or the other.


My husband and I are both essential non-essential workers so our kids are still attending daycare right now. Today they told us she had an accident but potty training is coming along great. I had no clue they were potty training her and I feel kind of dumb. Obviously I could have done more on my end to assist her at home. I was kind of pushing it off because she’s in speech therapy and can only say a few words. She easily gets frustrated when she can’t communicate what she wants and I wasn’t ready to add potty training into the mix just yet. However, if she’s showing signs she is ready, then I’ll do it. I really like our daycare but sometimes there is a communication breakdown. A lot of it has to do with covid, but we also had an issue with one of the caregivers and she is often the one who does pick up/drop offs. I’m not complaining that someone else wants to potty train my child but I wish I knew what was going on. It’s a weird complaint, I know.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 03, 2020
More obsessed gamer Duhs. Moo buys her husband a PS5 because they both wanted one and she complains when he absolutely will not put it down and neglects her and their loaf.

If she knows he's gonna be like this and she's not okay with it, why the fuck buy him a shiny new console? It's like giving a junkie a big pile of coke and then acting shocked and upset when they get high all the time. What the fuck do these women expect?


My husband and I met on a video game. Almost every console we have I bought because I like video games. I'm all for gaming but gaming responsibly. My husband? He's a complete asshole that can't prioritize.

I bought a ps5 on black friday as our Christmas present because we normally buy one bigger gift for us instead of separate gifts for each other and we both wanted one. My husband has not put down demons souls. I can't talk to him, I can't interact with him and lord forbid the baby needs something while he's playing because he can't put down the controller to take care of her.

Tonight I was trying to talk to him about something and he could just not pay attention to me. This use to be a huge issue our for our entire 10 year relationship until about 3 months after our daughter was born and I laid into him so hard he didn't dare pull that shit any more. Now we've got the ps5 and its back to 10hrs a day, unable and unwilling to do anything but play and go to work.

So I gave up, grabbed his pillow and blanket, threw it on the couch and told him that if he couldn't give his wife 5 minutes then the ps5 was his new wife and that I hope it can cook, clean the house and keep him warm at night.

I thought we were past this. I thought he finally understood that a video game is not more important that what his wife has to say. It is not more important than making his daughter lunch. It is not more important than getting enough sleep to do well at work. He was up until 4am yesterday playing when he has to get up for work at 6. Our work place is furloughing people left and right (like me, currently) and we can not afford for both of us to be laid off.

I don't know what to do. I can't make him care. If he wanted to, he would. If he wanted me to be a priority, I would be. If he wanted his daughter to be a priority, she would be.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 03, 2020
Guy makes it quite clear that he is absolutely not ready to be a father after Moo has a miscarriage and he realizes he's got his hands full dealing with her toadler from another man. She finds out she's up the duff and is butthurt when he leaves her over it.


I am distraught. I’m at a loss. At this point I just really need to vent and this is going to be long. I’m a single mom to a 3 year old. My kids dad is a dead beat and not very involved, I was very relieved to finally get out of that relationship because it was filled with DV and was just toxic. Last year I met someone and fell in love. He helps me with my kiddo in ways his own father never has. We’re pretty much living together. We had talks of planning to have our own in 2 years or so. Last month we had a miscarriage. He didn’t handle it well meaning he was scared and completely disregarded me and wasn’t supportive. If I didn’t miscarry, he was mentioning abortion. We got into an argument 2 weeks ago.

During the argument he came out and said that the miscarriage freaked him out and he realized he’s not ready to be a dad. He probably won’t be ready until he’s 40. I told him the miscarriage made me realize that if I had to make a choice between keeping the baby and abortion, I don’t think I could do abortion. I really don’t. I don’t think I can mentally handle it. He admitted to being overwhelmed with my kiddo so we agreed to spend less time together and see what happens. Then we got exposed to COVID and have been quarantining. On Monday I realized I still hadn’t had my period so I took a pregnancy test. It was positive. I called my doctor and went in for blood work. They confirmed it. I have more blood work today. But I told my boyfriend. I was scared to but I told him. And he left me. He dumped me for being pregnant. He blamed me for getting pregnant. He asked me how I could let this happen. I’m scared.

I’m at a loss of what to do or who to turn to. I don’t have any family support. My mom passed away and I just wanna run home to her. It’s just my kiddo and I which is why this man felt like such a breath of fresh air when he treated us with so much love. I feel so blindsided. Never in a million years did I expect him to do this. I feel so hurt and abandoned. I’m scared of abortion. And I’m scared of being a single mom with 2 kids with absent fathers. I don’t know what to do or where to turn. All of my friends don’t have kids and the ones I’ve opened up to keep pushing abortion and while it might be what’s best, I really don’t know if I can handle it. I look at my son and I know that’s what I’m creating. I already love my little creation. This whole ordeal is tearing me apart.

He told her ass he didn't want to be a father and if she got pregnant, he would want her to abort. How could she NOT expect him to react like this? If she doesn't want to abort, then that's fine - that's her choice. But her ex made it very clear what he thought about having a kid and she's a fucktard for thinking he would respond to another unexpected pregnancy any differently than this.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 03, 2020
yea Cambion.. these dumbass moos just bounce from one romeo to the next. bet the first one started the same way.
on the other hand, what if she had pursued sterilization? my guess is she would get the stupid placenta brained excuses from the idjits out there .

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious ( word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 04, 2020
This vegetarian moo is pissed because her meal ticket husband refused to help her clean the Thanksgiving mess, put away the leftovers and doesn't help with their baby. So what does she do? She launches the turkey and roasting pan out the apartment window over the balcony. At least the coyotes got a good meal. hysterical laughter

There is something about envisioning coyotes enjoying a Thanksgiving meal that warms my heart. Go opportunistic dogies!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 06, 2020
He blamed me for getting pregnant. He asked me how I could let this happen.

Like he had nothing to do with it?!? Dude, you fucked a breeder! What did you think was going to happen?!? The moo is no prize winner, but this guy is an idiot too.


I already love my little creation.

two faces puking
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 06, 2020
Agreed. He should have counted his blessings when she ejected the first fetus and stayed away and or wrapped it up.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 06, 2020
Moo has three kids by the age of 22 and after the second one came out, her (presumably similarly-aged) boyfriend suddenly lost interest in dealing with the sproggen. Several suggestions of "hurr durr he depressed" by fellow heifers. Well NO SHIT, who wouldn't be depressed with three brats under five in their early/mid twenties? Or it could be that dealing with kids instead of having a normal young adult life has gotten old.

She asks what she can do about all this. How about QUIT BREEDING ALREADY. I also love how the preferred suggestion on that sub for dealing with uninvolved Duhs is to ditch the kids with them for an entire day while Moo goes out and does stuff. It's supposed to teach them a lesson about how much work Moo does dealing with their brats in the hopes of forcing them to do more of their share of the brat minding. On paper that sounds great, but I think all it's going to do is show them how much brat care truly sucks balls and they'll go out of their way to avoid it even more.

I’m a 22 year old woman with three kids. I had my first son when I was 18. Soon after I had my daughter when I was 20 years old, and I just had my third child(my second son) 3 months ago. So here’s my problem: My boyfriend doesn’t help with anything anymore. When I first had our oldest son he used to be very involved such as, changing his diapers, feeding him, getting up in the middle of the night, etc. But when I had my daughter things went downhill... He never helped me anymore with them anymore, he never did anything he used to. There’s times where his mom would have to come over and help with them. One day I confronted him and about it and he apologized saying, “Babe, I’m sorry! I promise I’ll be more involved.” And I believed him. Well guess what? He still hasn’t helped out at all. And it’s starting to get worse. He now works extra hours at his job so he isn’t home that often. 3 months ago I had my third child and first of all, his reaction when I told him I was pregnant was disappointing. What should I do? I’m really stressed out with my oldest son starting school this year, my daughter going through her “terrible twos” phase and my youngest son still wakes up in the middle of the night. Should I talk to him about again? Should I just end the relationship? Or should I just leave it the way it is and hope things get better?

I have a feeling Duh is working more hours to spend less time with the famblee, but it can be passed off as him working harder to support his brood.

Also, she says his reaction to mistake #3 was "disappointing." Why does every fetal announcement require excitement from the other parent? It's not like it's their first kid and they already had one of both genders, so there's nothing to be over the moon about with this one. I can only assume all three brats were accidents because who the fuck voluntarily has three kids at that age? He probably didn't want more after the first one.

He was probably (allegedly) enthusiastic about helping with the first brat because it was a goldenpenis and he may have felt compelled to take care of his little mini-me, then the second one was born with a vagina, so that one is Moo's job. And no interest in the third one because even though it's another goldenpenis, Duh already had one of those.

I know I did a lot of dumb shit by the age 22 like going to a for-profit school or thinking eyebrows painted on with liquid black eyeliner looked good, but at least I can say I wasn't dumb enough to breed three fucking times.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 07, 2020
I don't understand why it's such a surprise to these little girls playing house that young men who are practically still boys themselves are uninterested in child rearing. They're only staying out of obligation, and usually the pair lives with one of them's parents so he is getting a free ride anyway. Who the hell wants to throw away the best years of their life chasing brats around? I sure as hell didn't.

There is absolutely no excuse for THREE accidental pregnancies. They're both assholes for not taking responsibility for their own fertility.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 07, 2020
This kid is onto mommy's resentment!


That’s what my four year old said to me today, and it just about broke me. Parenting had been a nonstop grind since he was born and I guess the jig is up. I do love him, of course — but I can no longer kid myself about whether he can sense how hard it is for me to be a mother.

I told him that I always love him, even if I’m grumpy or frustrated, that my love is like the blue of the sky — always there, even when there are clouds.

But his little face when he said it...
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 07, 2020
I was confused until I went to the link. I thought the Mombie was making up some bullshit the kid said about the blue sky.

This is what's missing:

The brat first said to the Mombie:

"I know you don't love me, but I love you anyway."

Cue the beeline to Reddit for the udder rubs.

Kids generally are not stupid. They know when Mombie is putting on an act or phoning it in. Lard knows my siblings and I figured out my mom hated being at home with us, even though she tried to cover it with a thick layer of, "The years when you were little were the best years of my life." Er no.

So glad my life is not constant fakery. If I am going to fake something, like I loved being at my job or helping people, I'd better be paid for it. In cash, not sticky kisses and Kodak moments. holding sign: bed made lie
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 08, 2020
So glad my life is not constant fakery. If I am going to fake something, like I loved being at my job or helping people, I'd better be paid for it. In cash, not sticky kisses and Kodak moments. holding sign: bed made lie

Me too. No way could I hold it together like these mahms do. I saw how they (collectively and individually) dreaded it when we (the local kids) walked through the door. It was obvious even though the worst thing they did was to tell us to "go play outside." Once we were past the age of four they didn't want us around much. That is why no brats for me. I do enough work that isn't paid: yard work, house work, etc. Any other work will require cash payment! And that includes cleaning up after someone else unless it is company or mutual.

I still wonder why so many modern mahms make their brats do little to no chores.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 08, 2020
I wouldn't have the energy to hide my resentment of any child in my care and I'd most likely tell them to their faces how much I hate them and wish they were never born. But this is also why I wouldn't breed - I fully acknowledge I would be a horrible parent that blames their kid for having the nerve to be born. Why is forethought so absent among breeders?

My mother made it no secret what she thought of me as a kid and I was constantly told how stupid I was, how much smarter and better my classmates were than me, and how she wanted nothing more than to beat me "until the blood runs off your (my) ass" but couldn't because my grandma would call the police on her. It kinda messed me up and I wouldn't want to risk doing that shit to someone else.

Parents think they're being real slick about hiding their hatred of their brats, but eventually that facade fades because it's just too much work to uphold for years on end and kids do notice. I wonder how much thought this woman put into breeding before doing it, like considering whether or not she could handle a child (or more children). My guess is exactly no thought at all went into her decision.

Only Moos seem to try and mask their hatred of their kids, though. Duhs are pretty up-front about it.

I still wonder why so many modern mahms make their brats do little to no chores.

The kids will refuse to do them, or they'll do them wrong and Moo will have to re-do them anyway. They'd have to give the kids an allowance and they're probably too broke to afford that, or they worry that the kids won't want to be Mommy's friends anymore if she puts them to work. I think some of them also want to keep their kids infantilized as long as possible, so giving them little jobs around the house would potentially result in increased independence from the child. Some parents don't want that.

I was personally never given chores growing up because my maternal unit felt I was too stupid to do anything and I obviously could not be trusted with furniture polish or a vacuum cleaner. That was her usual MO - to just not let me do anything at all because I would (presumably) do it wrong and it was much much better for me to just not learn anything at all than learn by making some mistakes. I wound up not learning how to clean stuff or do basic household things until I was a teenager or an adult.
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