Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 06, 2023
I think it's kind of damaging to put labels on every little negative thing that people experience. I'm pretty sure most people have experienced something similar to this from time to time and I don't think it needs its own label. It's probably more common in people who have suffered abuse or neglect or something like bullying at school.

I don't know why people think every single quirk or hiccup a child has needs a medical name. Not every experience is traumatic and deserves a name! I think it also takes away from the actual mental illnesses that require actual treatment when all these bullshit diagnoses like oppositional defiant disorder and rejection sensitivity dysmorphia are made up to describe any speck of discomfort a child experiences.

Based on the article, I have rejection sensitivity dysmorphia because I often get overly emotional in situations where I don't need to be. It has nothing to do with a mental disorder. It stems from childhood when I was not only not allowed to experience emotions without getting bitched at, but my mother would explode over every tiny mistake I made and would tell me how stupid I was. So it's ingrained in my head that the smallest criticism or mistake requires a meltdown. I made a relatively minor mistake earlier in the year with my car that resulted in absolutely no damage or lasting issues, but I cried for a week over it. I can't help it. I know I'm a sensitive little bitch, but this is a personality flaw, not a disorder!

Breeders love slapping labels on their kids so they can have an excuse to not parent them. After all, they caaaaaaan't punish their precious baybees for having mental disorders!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 07, 2023
I think it's kind of damaging to put labels on every little negative thing that people experience.

Me too, I've wondered if people do this as a way to stand out amongst the 9 billion plus people on the earth and feel special or validated as a person. They aren't just their name, they are their name and have rejection sensitivity dysmorphia plus whatever else! They can remind people of this if they want to feel different or special. I've known a few people who are always using their special cluster of modern-day diagnosis to eject sympathy from others.

Kind of like people who have kids because they insist their kids will be special and do something to go in the history books. It is a mass delusion amongst the breeders. If they could look 20 years into the future to see how their brats turn out how many would decide to not breed and take more vacations instead?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 10, 2023
Damn it, I wasn't fast enough to catch this doozy. I looked on the wayback machine too. The short version was, a woman and her husband refused to go to his family thanksgiving because sometime over the past year, the announced the Moo was pregnant. It was sometime between the four and six week mark, IOW, shortly after she missed her period.

They were both angry, because although the mother in law and the aunt made the appropriate sympathetic noises when they learned of this Earth-Shattering Event, they did not call or text Miscarried Moo with the appropriate sympathies for losing the clump, which of course they refer to as a "child" and a "baby."

The husband sounds like a real charmer because he even called his Aunt a "cunt" over it and apparently there was a some sort of Facebook thread/fight over it.

They sound like lovely people.

Breeding adds another layer of dysfunction and asshole to family dynamics. Here's a couple that waited until 17 weeks into their pregnancy to make the Grand Announcement. This was so they didn't upset the wife's sister, who lost a clump. But of course the SIL is still upset.

Sister in law is unhappy because we only waited three weeks after her miscarriage to announce our pregnasty.

Here's another stellar Dud. He and his wife have an infant and it appears she has THREE kids from a previous relationship. He's bitching because he still wants to go out every other Saturday night with his friend. He wants a medal because he cooks dinner twice a week while Wifey does the lion's share of the work.


Her friends of course think I'm a raging dick because when I don't work, they think I should stay home the entire time and cook and clean and take care of the kids.

You have an infant, asshole. Yes, you should be taking care of the kid and the kids of the woman you decided to marry. This woman was probably thinking they needed One of Their OwnTM, but how could she miss that having FOUR KIDS means you are constantly cleaning up after kids and taking care of them? Don't marry some asshole who thinks his life won't be changing because the Little Woman can do all the work.

AITA for going out every other weekend when I have an infant at home?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 20, 2023
As far as announcing a clump when someone you know has miscarried, there is no "good time" to share this news because it will always be too soon after the loss for the whining Moo to hear someone else's "blessed news." You could say nothing about it and not tell people you bred until the kid is in kindergarten and the sensitive miscarrying wanna-Moo will still complain about how dare you flaunt your child in front of her when you know she doesn't have one herself.

Wanna-Moos who miscarry need to learn that just because they lost a clump, that doesn't mean that others aren't allowed to announce their wanted pregnancies. I'm sorry if they lose a wanted fetus, but the world does not stop turning because their body yeeted the clump. It's like if I applied to college and got rejected, that doesn't mean other people aren't allowed to announce that they got accepted to their dream schools.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 21, 2023
Moo openly admits she hates being a mother and hates everything about raising kids. Everyone told her it would get easier as each of the child's ages/stages passed. Well it didn't get better and she hates parenting 13 years in as much as she did when she started. Oh but make no mistake about it, she just loooooooves her kids and would do anything for them. She just hates caring for them, seeing them, feeding them and knowing they exist.

So what does she do? HAVE TWO MORE KIDS. WHYYYY? The teen girl is probably angry all the time because she has long since picked up on the fact Mommy hates her guts. I'm sure the brats don't go without basic necessities, but you can only fake loving your unwanted kids so much. She probably comes off as cold and distant.

She claims she had no choice in the matter as far as breeding. She wasn't "allowed" on birth control? She "couldn't" control the frequency of sex? Why does a grown ass woman need to be allowed to do anything with her own health? And her husband sounds like a rapist if he forced sex on her, which seems to be the implication. She also mentions being Catholic, so I imagine there was some level of indoctrination.

I don't say this often, but this is one time I think I'd encourage the woman to pack a bag and just leave and start a new life somewhere. Fuck the kids, fuck the husband, just leave in the middle of the night and don't come back. Sounds like Duh wanted those damn kids anyway, so he can raise them. Or find a new mommy/concubine to raise the kids for him.


Before I start, I love my kids, trust me I really do. I would do anything for them. I think they would be better off without me.

I hate being a mom. I hate it with every fiber of my being. And I have since the very beginning. When my oldest was a newborn I tried to ask the people I was closest to. I wanna die, is this normal? Does everyone go through this? They would say yes. It’s just baby blues. Those hormones fuck up your brain. Give it a few weeks. You’ll be back to normal.

I gave it a few months. I’m miserable. Me and my husband only fight. Is this normal? They would say yes. That first year is rough on marriages. It’ll be better once she’s sleeping through the night. Give it some time.

I gave it a couple of years. She’s 2 years old and sleeping through the night reliably but she’s just awful. She just screams at me all day long and I don’t know what she wants. I don’t even think she knows what she wants but I want to run away more and more with every passing tantrum. I’m happier when I’m away from her. Is this normal? They would say yes, toddlers are hard. They mellow out when they can start to communicate and learn boundaries. It’s more fun when they’re in school. Give it some time.

I never came around. She’s 13 years old and I still have that sinking feeling in my gut. I can’t believe this is my life. Only it’s worse now. Now I have 2 more. A baby and a toddler. 2 under 2. I want to scream when they cry. I hate all the mundane motherhood tasks. I hate cooking for them, I hate breastfeeding, I hate disciplining them, I hate bath time, I hate playing with them, I hate putting them to bed. I have had the life sucked out of me by them. My 13 year old is perpetually angry. She reminds me so much of her dad I’m afraid I’ve raised another him. All she does is trigger me and the older she gets the more she looks like him. I wonder if my husband was abusive because he didn’t have a loving mother. I think my kids are destined to the same fate.

My toddler is off. There’s something wrong with him. He doesn’t have any words, he doesn’t make eye contact with anyone, he rarely babbles, and he still isn’t walking. He’s nothing like my first at this age. I don’t know why he’s not meeting his milestones. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. My baby is so so miserable all the time. I thought babies were supposed to be happy. She just cries and cries all day long. If she’s not attached to me she’s crying. It’s exhausting. She doesn’t play. She’s never happy. I’m never happy. I think she’s feeding off my energy I’m not cut out for this. I want to disappear most days. I would ask, is this normal? Is this okay to feel?

And they would say, have you been screened for PPD? I want to rip my hair out and scream and scream for hours and hours. It always has to be something. There always has to be some underlying cause. It is unfathomable that a good Christian southern woman could hate motherhood. Motherhood is beautiful. Children are a blessing. Only the devil could hate something so rewarding. It can’t be because I was forced into this. It can’t be because I didn’t have a choice. It really can’t be that I was never presented with any other option but this. I wasn’t allowed on birth control. I couldn’t control when we had sex. I had to take whatever was given to me. Now I’m trapped for the rest of my life in this bleak reality. I can’t get out. It’s not fair. Im not saying I’m suicidal, but I do spend most days wishing an Anvil would fall from the sky and crush me. I can’t fathom what our relationship will look like when they’re adults. I can’t imagine it will be good.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 26, 2023
Kids will eat anything, so long as it comes from a restaurant. Food anywhere else gets ignored. Twin brats are picky about non-restaurant food to the point they have lost four pounds (not sure if collectively or each).

In the comments, Moo says it's not her cooking. The brats will eat her food just fine, so long as she feeds it to them in a food court, or she pretends like they're in a restaurant at the museum. What kind of museum allows outside food in it? Or is Moo bringing it in against the rules because her dumplings are above the rules? She also can't just put food in takeout containers because it's the restaurant environment the brats need, NOT the vessels in whch the food is served. Picnics outside and/or near restaurants also do not work - they must be IN the restaurant, no exceptions.

What is all this bullshit song and dance she is doing in an effort to make them eat? Walking and eating? That sounds like a choking hazard to me, and brats should not be trained to wander around while stuffing their faces. What in the hell difference would their seat make? Why all the chair options? What's a compression shirt? Is that like compression socks? If so, that sounds fucking uncomfortable and I don't see how it would help their eating habits.

Big shock, the picky brats are awtards. I think Moo is considering trying to emulate the atmosphere of a restaurant with special light and sound equipment, based on the comments. The fuck?? So what happens when these little turds have to go to school? Is Moo going to bring in a van of stage equipment to create a pseudo restaurant environment for them for lunch and snacks every day just so they'll eat? You commit to that kind of shit, you have to be prepared to keep it up long-term because of their autistic bullshit.

Meanwhile, the other (younger) child will horf everything without issue, including her siblings' meals that they won't eat because they aren't in a restaurant. Is nobody concerned that the other kid is eating enough for three? She's going to be obese at this rate.

Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't be best to just let these picky brats starve. You probably can't force feed them because you'd run the risk of them aspirating the food. I'm convinced that no child will let themselves starve to death, not even the most picky and awtarded ones. It has to be a matter of Moo's willpower outlasting theirs. The Moos just give in most of the time.


My kids will eat literally anything. Anything at all. Sushi, pizza, curry, they love their vegetables especially broccoli and asparagus. They do their thing and will eat so well. At a restaurant. In the house or at a park or anywhere else? No,. absolutely not. My twins have lost 4 pounds, not because something is wrong but because they refuse to eat and I can't afford to take them out for every single meal. They turn 3 in January. Thank fuck my singleton eats fine, she eats her plate and then all of theirs. She's doing fine, but my twins... They are hangry all the time but are too distracted to eat. We have tried eating with them, we have tried letting them walk and eat, we have tried kids table, we have tried strapped in booster seats, high chairs, regular adult seats, picnic benches, we have ordered compression shirts. We have tried eating them at separate times from us, and from each other. We have dealt with several OTs to help. And we can't get them to eat at any house.

Then when we take the food away because it's been out for 2 hours they lose their minds and demand it back, but then DONT EAT IT. I am going to lose my every loving fucking mind.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 26, 2023
"We're not going to restaurants anymore. You sit down and finish your food or you starve to death. Your choice." That's what I would do but that would probably be considered "chyld abuse" at this point in time.

Let the meltdowns ensue until they finally get it in their little toadler heads that they have no other option.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 26, 2023
In many cases, I think this is just a fussy and defiant kid pushing the parent's buttons to get a reaction. Kid doesn't eat, parents jump through hoops to get said kid to eat, kid loves the attention, and we're off. Stay tuned for kid puts up a huge fuss at bedtime!

But back to mealtime--is it even possible that a truly hungry kid would refuse food because it's not put in a special container or cut in a special shape, or whatever passes for attentive parenting these days? If that is all-in-a-day's-work of doing TMIJITW, glad I took a hard pass.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 26, 2023
Also it's my understanding that brats have to be at least two or three years old in order to receive an official autism diagnosis, so these little shits are most likely Google-diagnosed so Moo doesn't have to admit they're just badly behaved.

And you're right, the breeders will always freak out when their kids don't eat and the kids probably like the attention and the effect it has on their stupid handlers. If parents show a major reaction to a child's bad behavior, the child will continue that behavior. Like if a kid swears and their parent freaks out over it, the kid will continue swearing because it got Moo all riled up. If a kid refuses to eat, Moo will fuss over it and try for hours to make it eat a single fucking crumb. If a child smears shit on the walls and Moo has a conniption, the brat will do it again.

Why the fuck would two allegedly autistic not-even-two-year-olds give a shit if they're in a restaurant or not? If they were truly autistic, wouldn't a restaurant be sensory overload with all the noise, the talking, the lights, the food not being a certain way on a certain plate, the drink being in the wrong glass and the 5,000 other stupid things awtards obsess over? Sounds like these brats need to hear the word NO. Keep the kids home so nobody else has to listen to their meltdowns. Provide them with food and if they don't eat, then they go hungry. When they get it into their little pea brains that there's no more restaurant food, they will learn to accept food in a non-restaurant setting. They might have to get really damn hungry to get to that point because kids are very headstrong, but they will get there.

I don't envy this heifer in the slightest. Eating is a basic life-sustaining function and should not involve this much bullshit. Moo is wrapped around her brats' snot-encrusted little fingers and doesn't even know it.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 03, 2024
This whole discussion is birth control. All these people with these psychotic, violent kids who don't respond to therapy or medication. And there is no way to know if your kid is going to come out fucked up like this. Well, in this case, the kid's father is a schizo, so there was some risk, but I guess Moo didn't consider the repercussions of breeding with a mentally ill person.

Getting these freaks put into facilities is damn near impossible too because the waiting lists are miles long. The little bitch can be Baker Acted, but that's only a 72-hour break. The police can probably only do so much. So if you crap out a psycho, you're stuck with them.

Someone help me out here: could someone in this situation give the crazy brat up for adoption? Or would the state turn her away because she's nuts and could be a danger to staff and other kids? I don't know if they have like a screening process to weed out undesirable/unadoptable brats.

There is also a teen daughter in the family whose childhood has been eclipsed by her younger sister's crazy. You know she's gonna leave the second she turns 18 and will never look back, lest she be expected to care for her psychotic sibling.

Apparently the brat also has sugar-induced hallucinations, and the family eats low-carb to try and reduce the kid's hallucinations. But because the kid is a sugar fiend, she finds ways to sneak candy. I have never heard of sugar having a hallucinogenic effect. If that were the case, everyone in the US would be fucking tripping because of all the sugary shit we have available to us.

I'd be sorely tempted to dump the kid in a random ER out of state and then flee the country. No child is worth this much trouble.


I haven’t really labeled it as that until recently but PTSD is hitting me so hard and I’m dissociating so much. It’s how I felt when I was with her dad, but this is even harder because she is my daughter, and I can’t get away or divorce her. I’m breaking. She has been this way since she was 1, just worse every year. The rage, the lack of empathy, the constant messes and destruction. I put in so much labor, our home would literally turn into a hoarding or biohazard situation if I didn’t. There is not a single rule she follows. She is rude. She even deprives me of sleep.

And as a parent, i cannot protect myself because I have to supervise her and meet her needs. But what do you do when your child “needs” 24-7 and everything is an emergency in their eyes? The other night i slept for only 4 hours bc she snuck and stayed up all night and then wanted food so she woke everyone up screaming demanding food by making an announcement on the alexa. I made her handle it, but i cannot fall back asleep.

I don’t even know where to start to explain this situation. Yes we have therapists, psychiatrist, care management, IEP and OT evaluations in progress(after fighting her school for years.) I’m a loving, rational, semi-crunchy mom. I’ve loved her so hard, I have read all the books, we have tried to follow The Explosive Child guidelines, we have done the Matthews Protocol, At Peace Parents, we have done family therapy, we have paid parenting coaches to give advice. She has been hospitalized multiple times. Everyone says she is a tough case and extraordinarily stubborn. Some part of this is genetic(didn’t know until too late), her dad and maybe grandma are like this, and a cousin too. The whole family is even doing low carb right now, all for her, out of complete desperation, bc she started hallucinating 3 months ago and it actually stops when she doesn’t have sugar. Yet she sabotages it at every chance, stealing and getting candy any way she can.

Her dad has DID and schizophrenia. I left him(and the state entirely) when she was 2 due to domestic violence and our life is beautiful now in every way except for what she does to us. She never even saw anything or was abused herself, but somehow she is exactly like him. It’s an all encompassing triggering nightmare.

I have a teenage daughter too. She takes more after me. Bookworm, kind, empathetic. Her little sister has stolen most of her childhood and that hurts more than anything.

She attends school when she wants to. She’s adult sized and consequences, talking, etc mean absolutely nothing to her.

She leaves food and trash everywhere, refuses to eat at the table, absolutely loses her shit when we try to make her clean up after herself.

Won’t sleep by herself. Will get into bed with me and her pull-up leaks(yes still has eneuresis.) love getting peed on and changing my bedding multiple times a week.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 03, 2024
Of course she bred with a schizophrenic guy who abused her and of course he's no longer in the picture.

Having seen co-irkers go through this nut roll with troubled kids, I can attest that the generally accepted principles for all these "experts" is that these kids cannot control themselves and just let them rage and tear up your house and call the police on a six year old. (Because that's a great use of public resources--let's tie up the police with ineffective parents while true victims of crime are left waiting.)

I thank myself and the appropriate deity that I will never be in this situation thanks to sterilization, but I would hope if I were, that I would have the fortitude to lay down the law. A kid is beating on me or assaulting me? One time would be the last time. I don't care what people say about how "difficult" these 'tards are....there is a reason they pick on those that are smaller and weaker (often their spineless Moos)--it's because they know they can get away with it. If it came down to me versus being killed by one of these 'tards? I'm picking myself every time. And stun guns are non-lethal....I'm just saying.

I stumbled on this one on Reddit and thought Jaysus, how in the world do these average people find so much time and money to keep making kids? And why on Earth would anyone want to have SEVEN kids? in the first place, and then add more.

This woman sounds unhinged. She's doing IVF out of the country with donor eggs and donor sperm (why not adopt or adopt a foster child?). She's asking a really stupid question--whether if, if her husband dies, can her MIL somehow get this potential-but-not-yet-made IVF baby from inheriting her husband's estate? (This is assuming the old broad even outlives her son.) The question is really stupid, but this woman is no rocket scientist.

And the history does not add up at all. She says she and her husband have been together 18 years, but she's in her early 40's and she still had time to have three kids with her first husband AND TWO KIDS with a "boyfriend" before she hooked up with the present husband. Her present husband is the former husband of her former best friend, but she writes that her ex friend and her ex husband were the bad people and the cheaters. Um, okay.

Oh, and when she and her first husband got together, they had a newborn together, and that loaf "passed away." It makes me wonder if it was some kind of accident or PNA or "I just looked away for a second?" Maybe these two had too many other kids to watch.

She's also writing off her older kids as "all grown up and out of the house" and she wants a shiny new baby.

These people just sound so trashy. Where are they getting the money? Who has the time for all these kids? If my math is correct, SNB will be the 9th kid for these people. Let's see, multiple exes, multiple Baby Daddies, too many kids, toxic in-laws, let's just make another one, why not?
She sounds like she thrives on the drama.

Just stop Breeding, idiots!

Can my MIL take me to court to force a DNA test?


Ok confusing situation but I'll try to make it understandable, sorry for the length.

My husband and I have been together for almost 18 years (knew each other for 6 years before that and were close friends, me with his now ex wife and him with my now ex husband, friendship group disbanded after they cheated). We both came to the marriage with previous kids, (I had 3 by my former husband and two by a bf, he had 2 by his ex). I had a newborn when we got together. My husband was the only father she ever knew and they adored each other. Years later after she passed, he adopted my elder child but would have loved to adopt her too. Anyway, we spent many many long years trying to recover from our daughter's death.

Near the end of 2022 we decided we wanted to try for another baby. We also know we don't want to use my eggs as I'm in my early 40s. We decided donor embryos from overseas were best for us to have babies together. We also didn't want to use his sperm due to his career and exposure to high levels of carcinogens. We know we have no problem with genetics not being a factor. We don't have to have the same genetics to be a family. I'm questioning now, if something happens to my husband and we've been able to have another child (first attempt failed and second attempt resulted in miscarriage, next try is in April), would she be able to take me to court to prove DNA or take me to court for custody of my hypothetical future child? We DO NOT get along and have now gone from low contact to no contact. Hubby doesn't even speak to her due to her choices surrounding me and "my" kids and her behaviour. I'm worried she'll try to take me to court to prove the baby isn't "his" even though we both signed paperwork overseas claiming legal parentage or go even further and try to take my baby to replace hers, (she does NOT know we are using donor embryos, she believes they are from us). She did accuse me of stealing her baby when we got together and for several years after, even though he'd been married before.

We also just found out that she's been hanging out with his worthless ex (MASSIVE cheater, including my ex husband, MASSIVE liar, neglected their kids to almost criminal levels, we tried for years to get custody to no avail because back then we had older judges who felt kids belonged with their mothers regardless of situation, took their kids with her to meet up for sex with various men and women etc). She even sided with the ex over my husband during their divorce because she knew the judge would give the ex custody and she didn't want to lose access to the boys. She's never tried to build a relationship with me or my children though she did explicitly say she expected MY parents to accept my stepsons as their own and treat them the same as mine (which they did from day one, without hesitation or even a wors from us). She deliberately went out of her way on NUMEROUS occasions to emotionally hurt me and my kids, hence the low to no contact.

Anyway, would she have ANY legal grounds to take me to court over any future kids/insurance claims if something happens to my husband? He does have several large life insurance plans with me listed as sole beneficiary for all of them. She would go ballistic to know what they're worth. I fear she would try to contest parentage in an attempt to dis-inherit our baby/ies or try to take custody to "keep her son close", or third option, prove baby isn't "his" and contest the life insurance policies to try to get it awarded to herself. Does she have a legal leg to stand on? She's already questioned his ability to father more kids after a vasectomy 20+ years ago and questioned if I was pregnant by someone else. (I wasn't pregnant then and we hadn't even started the process to embryo transfer yet, we had just announced we were trying to have another baby so the family wasnt shocked by us just popping up pregnant, both of us are fixed)
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 03, 2024
Holy shit, WHO has time for all that drama?? The way that some people choose to live their lives is absolutely baffling! Don't these people have a desire for hobbies or anything else to fill their time besides making more people?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 03, 2024

The way that some people choose to live their lives is absolutely baffling! Don't these people have a desire for hobbies or anything else to fill their time besides making more people?

Well said. Can't they think of something else to do besides have more kids? There are so many great things to do in the world when you are not loaf encumbered. You can pursue additional education, travel, read, just relax, exercise, prepare a decent meal for yourself, take a walk, enjoy your partner, pursue hobbies, enrich your mind, watch interesting TV....the list goes on. These people are so unimaginative.

For some reason I got this trashy breeder on my FB feed. This woman has like 5 other kids at home, just had a baybee and is proudly helping herself to the hospital supplies. Now you know why it costs $5,000 to get a couple of stitches in an ER. (I did see this discussed on Reddit where some Moos were encouraging other Moos to take everything in the room because health regulations preclude re-using some of the room supplies, but who knows.)

I'm robbing the store (warning, turn down your volume before you listen to this--bitch is loud)
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 04, 2024

We don't have to have the same genetics to be a family.

Then why the fuck aren't you adopting?? They aren't using her eggs because of her age and aren't using his sperm because of carcinogen exposure. Plus both have been sterilized. The kid would in no way be related to them biologically. This bitch just wants to get knocked up and attention whore her fat bloated gut to everyone in eyeshot. Why waste all that money on IVF and risk the pregnancy not sticking?

Also, why are they going overseas for IUI? Is it cheaper than in the US? You don't need to go across an ocean to get donor embryos.

As far as the mother-in-law, if they're no contact, how would she even know they're trying to have another brat in the first place? Why is she telling her MIL they're trying to conceive?

Sounds like the Duh husband is also a momma's boy if MIL is pulling the "waaaah you took my baby away" shit with the wife. I'm inclined to agree that this bitch loves a big heaping helping of drama.

Also, why would the MIL be able to do anything regarding her son's life insurance policies relating to any kids the couple has? I think Moo just wanted to spew her story publicly about all their fucking kids, their attempts to have another one and all the drama surrounding their families.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 04, 2024
I thank myself and the appropriate deity that I will never be in this situation thanks to sterilization, but I would hope if I were, that I would have the fortitude to lay down the law. A kid is beating on me or assaulting me? One time would be the last time. I don't care what people say about how "difficult" these 'tards are....there is a reason they pick on those that are smaller and weaker (often their spineless Moos)--it's because they know they can get away with it. If it came down to me versus being killed by one of these 'tards? I'm picking myself every time. And stun guns are non-lethal....I'm just saying.

Absolutely agree. I can't speak for anyone else, but when someone or something hurts me physically, my immediate instinct is to hurt them back. When I had cats still, I had to restrain myself from automatically slapping them when they'd scratch me. It wasn't because I wanted to hurt them - it's because that was my knee-jerk reaction.

A kid assaults me, I'd knock their fucking teeth out before I even knew what I was doing. Why is it acceptable to allow your child to hurt you, even if they're crazy? If a spouse was getting violent with you and causing you injuries, it would be a crime and everyone would say get away, defend yourself, call the police, etc. But when it's a child getting violent enough to cause injuries, you're just supposed to sit there and take it? An abuser is an abuser, regardless of age or mental health. Just because a brat is fucked in the head doesn't mean they aren't still committing acts of abuse.

Funny how you never hear about these psychotic asshole brats assaulting their fathers - they only ever go after their mothers, probably because the mothers are spineless and let their brats hurt them. Kids can see that shit from a mile away and they probably don't assault their fathers because they know their dads would beat their asses for it. Maybe Moos ought to take a page from the Duh handbook and whoop their kids' asses when they act like this. Pain is a universal sensation. Crazy or not, when a kid knows that you not only won't take their shit, but they will experience a feeling they don't like when they mistreat you, their behavior will improve. Or, at the very least, they will learn to pick on someone else.

Treat these kids like bullies. You can't reason with a bully or "use your words" to stop their behavior. All they know is violence. So when they hit you, you hit them back. Lather, rinse, repeat. Even the most brain-dead child will eventually learn that hurting you has consequences.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 04, 2024
Moo co-sleeps when she has PTSD and acts out her nightmares on her child. Co-sleeping is bad enough as it is, but WHY THE FUCK is she doing it when she knows she is going to hurt her child in her sleep??

According to her, "completely abandoning co-sleeping wasn't an option." Why? Why is it not an option? Does Moo live in a storage unit and there is legitimately no room for a bed and a crib? Apparently it's because Junior likes to roll over for a midnight beef session and when Loaflina can't find the tit, she throws a tantrum. Well then it sounds like it's high time to start teaching the kid that she can't have a boob within arms reach anymore because the price of midnight nursing might be a black eye.

Stop fucking co-sleeping if you bite, punch and headbutt in your sleep. If I knew I did that shit in my sleep, I wouldn't want anyone or anything in the same bed with me out of fear of hurting them. It's not like a spouse that can leave the room if they get clocked in the nose. The loaf has nowhere else to go. Moo claims to be a fantastic mother, yet she is endangering her child by keeping her in bed with her when she violently acts out her dreams.


Please be kind because I feel so awful, I just want to get this off my chest somewhere. And if this has happened to anyone else, I’d really love to hear.

To clarify for anyone’s concern (because I’d be concerned too) the medical professionals taking care of me are completely aware of this and are supporting me in preventing this from happening again.

Ever since my traumatic birth and a severe postpartum depression episode that resulted in my hospitalisation, I’ve struggled with acting out my dreams on occasion.

This first happened when my daughter was 5 months. We bedshared at the time, following the recommended safety guidelines, and I had a nightmare that people were trying to steal my baby from me.

They came close to take her from my arms, and I lunged at them and bit them. I then woke up and I was biting my baby’s forehead.

I was horrified. She didn’t wake up, or really even stir. There were some shallow bite marks in her skin that went away after a few hours. I told my psychiatric nurse after it happened, she gave support and help.

We started working on my baby being able to sleep away from me, in a sidecar crib instead of in the bed. Completely abandoning cosleeping wasn’t an option, as it’s the only way either of us get any good sleep, and the nightmares get worse when I’m sleep deprived.

But another incident happened a few months later. I was sleeping close to my baby, halfway in her crib with her, after a night feed. I had a nightmare that I was banging my head against a wall, and I woke up to myself headbutting her.

Again, she didn’t wake up or stir. There was a red mark on her head that went away after a minute or so.

After this, I now sleep about two arms lengths from her. It has not happened since, and I’m getting support in making sure it doesn’t happen again.

But I just feel so horrible that it did happen. I’m so scared it will happen again.

I recently woke up after a dream that I was being assaulted, and I was aggressively punching the air above my head (nowhere near my baby). But what if I had been facing my baby?

I’ve never heard of this happening to anyone else. I’ve been in therapy for most of my life, I’m a fantastic Mum. I’m so patient, I’m great at gentle parenting, I’m so proud of myself for that.

So how can my brain make me behave like that? Why won’t my subconscious mind protect my baby?

Thanks for reading, if you did. I feel terrible.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 04, 2024
I don't know how she can call herself a good mother. Put the loaf in her own damn bed already. And although I've never had to look up the subject I think the recommended "safety recommendation" for co-sleeping is DON'T DO IT. There are loaves that get rolled over and suffocated--seems like if you really loved your kid and didn't want to off it, you would be doing that.

I think my New Year's resolution should be to get off Reddit or at least stop looking at a lot of it. The poor forum is depressing. The relationship forums are depressing. You get called "elitist" if you suggest poor people shouldn't be having children, but what kind of life will these kids have when their parents are junk humans? Birth control should be in the water.

This one is just sad and depressing. Twenty-four year old Moo to be is living with her "fiancé" in his parent's house. I'll concede she writes better than 95% of other Moos on Reddit, but her life is totally fucked due to her bad choices. Naturally, she's seven months pregnant. Her "fiance" is a total loser and they are living with this parents because he's irresponsible with money. She "hates" her father in law but of course has zero right to complain because these people are the only ones keeping them off the street.

Her fiancé spends all his paycheck money on gaming equipment and carts, which I learned is short for vaping cartridges. He vapes a huge amount of weed, day in and day out. I'm not familiar with vaping but a fair amount of commenters are saying with the volume he's buying, he's likely totally stoned day in and day out. She picked a real winner.

And OF COURSE she already has a four year old kid with this loser. Her posting history is a cesspool of sad choices. They broke up and now are back together. She hasn't been at her job long enough to get moo-ternity leave. Was fired from a previous job (Amazon maybe?) for failing a drug test but wanted to dispute it because weed is legal in their state. (Doesn't matter and your employer can tell you to not take it anyway.)

She comes from a broken family herself, has a stepmother and there's lots of family drama. She seems desperate for attention and is constantly posting pictures of herself on Reddit. Who does that? Good luck getting away from the mess she's in. Welcome to a life of payday loans.

We are poor because my fiance has to pull money every week to buy delta 8 carts, while I'm busy saving every check for a house to rent


I just did the math, Our combined monthly net is 3,412 and our combined annual net is 44,356. Yet we are struggling to make ends meet while I save my entire check. His checks without pulling money twice every week for delta carts, and random things would be 962 dollars, but his checks look more like 6-700 dollars sometimes even less than that. This paycheck we got yesterday was a full check with cut hours for the holidays on it being a little over 700$, mine was 595 and I had him give me 5 to make 600 for our savings for a house to rent. We are down to like 300 dollars left and he is going to spend 100 of it on a gaming system he doesn't need making us broke once again. And on top of that he has already pulled 100 for his next check.

I am tired of his poor spending habits leaving us in a tight spot. I am 7 months pregnant and we have no house- live with his parents- we have not bought a single baby thing and he's more worried about getting in the clouds and playing stupid games. We would be so much better off if he would suck up being poor for two weeks and not buy 4 g of carts every week and not spend his money on stupid old game consoles forcing us to be broke for a week and half, which then forces him to pull money. It's like having money drives him crazy and he has to get rid of it as soon as he gets it, and I'm trying my best to not spend a bunch on anything, including skimping out on lunch and stuff. I'm just at my wits end with it and its got me upset.

Edit: I did the math sleep deprived and in full swing of sickness, and math wasn't my strong suit I accidentally doubled the amount of checks we get, Our combined annual net is actually, 44,356
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 05, 2024
Why do these women stay with such losers? Like I know nobody's perfect, but this man is not going to fix his shit. So many dumb women (usually young ones) think that deadbeat turds like this will change if they just get married and/or have kids. Then those women are absolutely shocked when a baby doesn't magically turn them into hard working, responsible adults.

I wish this woman learned that her and her brats will never be more important to her future husband than games, weed and vapes before she bred with him.

If this guy is stoned constantly, what does he do for a living where he can be high as fuck all the time and still perform a job well enough to not get fired?

It's a fucking trainwreck no matter how you look at it. And it will not get better because this idiot stays with this deadbeat and his poor spending habits will keep them in poverty. Duh has likely never had to experience consequences of poor money management like having the utilities turned off or not being able to eat for a month, so he has no reason to stop spending frivolously. A little thing like children certainly aren't going to change his mind because unlike vaping, weed and gaming, his kids probably do not make him happy.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 12, 2024
Check out these selfish Breeders. Dud is 49 and his second wife is 30 and they just had their second set of twins in three years.

Wife2 is posting on Reddit that her 11 year old stepson is acting up, probably because he knows he's going to be relegated to back of the couch status. She is ejecting him back to his mother's house and she wants to know if she's an asshole.

The short version is, Everyone Sucks here: Dud for having a second family and not stepping up for his son, Moo for marrying a guy with kids and just wanting them gone, except for her 19 year old daughter, whom she says she's paying to watch the babies. (Probably underpaying her and using her.)

Wife2 is even lamenting she married a guy with kids and she's bitching that she doesn't have time to enjoy a cup of coffee while her loaves are sleeping. WTF does she think life was going to be like after she spat out four brats in three years?

Dumbass Dud is going to work himself into the grave supporting these late in life brats.

At least a few people in the comments are roasting Moo2 and Dud.


Am I wrong for not letting my husband's son stay at our house when he should be with his mother?
My (30F) husband (49M) and his ex-wife (40s) have joint custody of their son (11M) He stays with his mother from Monday to Thursday and with us from Thursday nights to Monday mornings. And that has worked perfectly for years but now he wants to break that agreement and stay with us more days a week, and if he had wanted to stay with us for more days a few months ago I would have gladly accepted but not now.

He had a complete change in his behavior in the last few months and honestly, and although it sounds bad, I can't stand him, and I'm not the only one, his sister (19F) can't stand him either. He is rude, dirty, and treats his younger sisters like shit and my husband no longer knows what to do or what to say to make him change that attitude.

Last Monday he came to our house after school, even though he shouldn't have, and decided he wanted to stay here all week. According to him, his mother let him stay, but it turns out that she never asked my husband if he could stay here, but we let him stay anyway and it was hell.

We have three-year-old twins and recently we had another set of twins (they are one month old) and the house of course is chaos. We have a person who helps us with the cleaning and my husband's daughter helps us with the children and we pay her and everything is much easier, but since his son is here, no type of help is enough for us. He messes things up in the kitchen every five minutes and leaves everything a mess, he doesn't pick up his clothes off the floor, he plays games on his Playstation with the volume really high, and the worst of all is that whenever he has the opportunity he treats his sisters really bad, and it seems that he enjoys making them cry.

I used to love having him at home because he was a really sweet boy, but I don't know what happened and now he is a different person and every time he comes home I count the days until he leaves because I can't stand him anymore.

The last time he came to our house my daughters were in the living room watching cartoons and he turned the television off and on until they started crying. That day I had a horrible day, my husband had to stay longer at work, his daughter wasn't at home and I had to be alone all day with the children, and I had a really hard time getting the girls to sit and watch TV for at least five minutes so I could sit and have coffee while the babies took a nap. But I couldn't even do that because I had to calm them down so they would stop crying. They stopped crying and after twenty minutes he began to tell them that he was going to take our dog, whom they adore, to his mother's house, and that they wouldn't see him again and that ended in another crying fit that he didn't even witness because when I appeared in the living room he went to his room laughing.

That same night I spoke to my husband and told him that I don't want him to stay here the days he has to stay with his mother because he drives me crazy. Fortunately he understood because he also struggles with his bad behavior and doesn't know what else to do to change it. He talked to his ex-wife and told her that their son is not behaving appropriately every time he comes here and that things are getting difficult and that until he changes his attitude he cannot stay here whenever he wants, and she got furious and of course she blames me.

I'm so tired that sometimes I wish I had never met my husband and thought it was a good idea to marry someone with children. I don't want to end up hating him because we are family and we will always be, that's why I think that until he changes his attitude we have to respect visiting days. Am I wrong for that?

Edit: We tried to take him to therapy but he doesn't want to, we talked to his mom and she doesn't want him to go to therapy either so we can't force him. We tried to find out what is happening and, as I said in a comment, the only drastic change he suffered was that he is no longer the only boy in the family because I had twin boys. Of course he says that this is stupid and that he doesn't care, but his change began when he found out that they would be boys.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 12, 2024
I wonder if the asshole kid's Moo is well aware of his shitty behavior and sends him to his Duh's house so he can be a pain in their asses and not hers. Especially since Moo does not want her brat in therapy and because she threw a fit when Duh said Junior isn't allowed back until he fixes his shit attitude.

That, or maybe the little turd is mad that his father went and started a whole new family with this other woman. Maybe he acts like a bastard on purpose to "punish" the author for marrying his dad and having a second family and Junior is just kind of on the sidelines because Daddy is too busy wrangling four other kids.

I don't think she's an asshole for telling the bratty pre-teen to stay the fuck out until he learns to act like a decent human being. If he's going out of his way to make the kids cry, there's nothing wrong with telling him to fuck off until he can behave.

And I'm guessing Duh was on board for more loaves because he likely figured he wouldn't be the one caring for them anyway. Besides, he's got himself a wife who is almost 20 years younger than he is, so he's gotta knock her up to mark his territory. Plus with two sets of twins in a row, I'll bet he feels like a masculine manly man who is so good at being fertile that he impregnated his wife twice two times in a row. I know that's not how multiples work, but I think a lot of idiot men seem to believe that twins means they have super sperm or something.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 12, 2024
What a selfish moo. People like her are the reason CF people or other relatives with money need to keep their finances private. Breeders will always think that your money is somehow owed to them because existing loaves, baking loaves, or potential loaves.

Most of the commentors are kindly telling her that her in-laws aren't obligated to pay for her IVF, but there's always that one entitled breeder

I’d love to hear others’ perspective, especially if you’ve gone through something similar… it’s a bit long winded so I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read and respond.

4 years ago, after trying to conceive naturally for a year with no success, my husband and I sought out the help of a fertility specialist. Due to our age (both 33), MFI diagnosis (no apparent issues on my end) and our desire to have more than one child, our RE recommmended we go straight to IVF. We did one round and got 4 embryos. First transfer gave us our 3yo, 2nd transfer gave us our 1yo, and we’ve been trying for #3 since July. Third transfer failed to implant and fourth just ended in a miscarriage at 8 weeks. We have no more embryos and it’s likely, especially considering I’m now 37, that another round of IVF would be our only option for a third child. I feel very strongly about having another baby and our recent loss absolutely confirmed that for me. The issue is that my husband doesn’t feel the same. He would love a third but not if it means going through another retrieval. His decision is 100% financially based and as we’ve paid for all infertility related treatment out of pocket, this would be another massive expense. His family is VERY well off and while we might not be in a position to afford another $30k+ right now, they certainly are. We’ve never asked them for anything and I feel like it would not be inappropriate to go to them and ask for help with this. My husband is very resistant to this idea. Throughout the years his siblings have asked for and been given much larger amounts of money than we’d be needing for various personal and professional things. We’ve avoided financial entanglements with them for a number of reasons but this is different for me. If either of my children came to me for help like this and I was in a position to do so, I would 100%!

I’ve admittedly felt moments of resentment through this entire process (“I have no fertility issues but I’m having to go through years of physically and emotionally painful treatment because of your problem, while you’ve had to do nothing”). It’s also really frustrating that I’m the one who’s sacrificed and worked to grow this family and suddenly he’s the one who gets to decide ok no, now we’re done. I don’t place blame because no one is at fault as far as fertility is concerned but it is hard to come to terms with the weight that I’ve had to carry in making and carrying our babies. I worry that if he won’t do this one thing and ask his parents for help in growing our family, that I’ll resent him even more and it will hurt our relationship and our family. I know that we are in no way owed this money and but I wish he would just consider asking. Maybe they’d be happy to give us this gift! And potentially play a part in bringing another future grandchild into the world.

Has anyone been through something like this? Any ideas how I can talk to my husband? He’s very defensive and we seem to be at a standoff. Any guidance or ideas on how to move forward?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 13, 2024
WTF these assholes already have two brats from successful IVF, why do they need a third one?? Are they planning on reimbursing Duh's family for $30K needed for another IVF attempt, or is it meant to be a gift? Bitch is lucky she rolled the IVF dice four times and still had a 50% success rate.

I looked at Moo's other discussions. Big surprise, the two kids are both girls. So her desire for a third loaf is almost certainly Breederese for "me want goldenpenis heir!"

Just because relatives can spare money does not mean poorer relatives are entitled to it. Fucking breeders always want more, more, more. They are never satisfied with what they have, be it money, number of kids, amount of possessions, size of vehicle, you name it.

I'm about the same age as this idiot and I can't imagine blowing time, effort and money on such stupid shit. Thirty thousand bucks for a chance at a loaf? It's not even a guarantee, it's a fucking gamble. The money they spent on their medically-induced brats would have paid off my whole student loan balance.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 13, 2024
That woman has some huge balls, and not in a good way. I definitely get the feeling it does not matter what her husband says--you know she's going to be asking his relatives for money. The one commenter who told her she should feel perfectly entitled to do that is giving her TERRIBLE advice.

This is tangentially related but MY GAWD there are some greedy Breeders on the dating scene who are just looking for dumb women to finance themselves and their brats.

These women need to wake the fuck up and see what's happening but some of them write after they have made terrible mistakes already.

Here's one who hopefully hasn't taken the plunge with this loser.

He's a divorced dud of 55 and he is dating a 35 year old woman. He just took out a second mortgage on his home. He has children in their late 20's. He's paying off his student loans, as well as his kids' student loans. (Why TF aren't his kids paying off their own student loans?)

He wants this woman to move in with him and help him pay off his mortgage. If something happens to him, the house goes to his kids and his kids only. He's not willing to compromise on this at all. He wants the GF to move in and pay down the house, which will take 10 to 15 years, and then they can sell the house and buy one "together."

I know the Moneyist must be so frustrated reading these emails day in and day out. At least in this one he blunty tells her: Paying for his house should NOT be part of your retirement plan.

He also tells her to "remain financially independent." I don't know why she is considering this otherwise, except she's a 35 year old single Mom and she's desperate for Dick.

Here's one where the idiot Moo Co-signed for her "boyfriends" mortgage and her name isn't even on the deed.

She wrote:


He put me in his will so the house goes to me in the event that he passes. I would be responsible for paying off the house, and any extra money would go to his brother. I am not on the deed for the house. Would this make it messy if he passes?

These women have to stop falling in the Dick sand. They need to start thinking with their BRAINS.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 14, 2024
Found another one.

I'm psychic. I predict her husband will continue be an even bigger dick after her child is born.


I 25f am 7 months pregnant with our first child. My husband 27m and I are both incredibly excited. My husband is a good man, but is kind of stubborn and is a know it all at times. Editor's note: Look out!

We were discussing my birth plan with my nurse, and I plan on giving birth in a hospital based birth center. I’ve had an incredibly easy pregnancy and would like a more relaxed homey feeling birth, but would like medical care available in case there are any complications.

While discussing, my husband kept interrupting me and answering for me, saying what he thought was best. I told him to stop and that this was mostly a conversation between my nurse, and her patient aka me and our baby. He stopped but got huffy and annoyed the rest of the appointment.

In the car he got mad and said he was just trying to help and this was his baby just as much as it was mine. I told him he’s right, we are equal parents and the minute the kid is out of me he gets just as much say as I do, but until then he gets no say in how I give birth, because I am the patient and this is a medical procedure at its core. His job during labor is to be my support person, advocate for me if needed, and to watch our child come into the world.

He told me that was fucked up and I’m being selfish for saying that. That this pregnancy isn’t about me and I’m not more important of a parent than he is. This is not the first time we’ve had this conversation but it’s the first time I’ve been so blunt about it.

Hes now giving me the silent treatment.

Some of you don’t read and I’m not gonna argue with you. Shut the fuck up lol

He wants me to immediately get hooked up to pitocin in a hospital room and if it doesn’t speed things along fast enough get a c-section. Which is the exact opposite of what I want and so far there is no indication I will need to be induced or need a c-section.

AITA for telling my husband he gets no say in how I give birth?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 14, 2024
Found another one.

I'm psychic. I predict her husband will continue be an even bigger dick after her child is born.


I 25f am 7 months pregnant with our first child. My husband 27m and I are both incredibly excited. My husband is a good man, but is kind of stubborn and is a know it all at times. Editor's note: Look out!

We were discussing my birth plan with my nurse, and I plan on giving birth in a hospital based birth center. I’ve had an incredibly easy pregnancy and would like a more relaxed homey feeling birth, but would like medical care available in case there are any complications.

While discussing, my husband kept interrupting me and answering for me, saying what he thought was best. I told him to stop and that this was mostly a conversation between my nurse, and her patient aka me and our baby. He stopped but got huffy and annoyed the rest of the appointment.

In the car he got mad and said he was just trying to help and this was his baby just as much as it was mine. I told him he’s right, we are equal parents and the minute the kid is out of me he gets just as much say as I do, but until then he gets no say in how I give birth, because I am the patient and this is a medical procedure at its core. His job during labor is to be my support person, advocate for me if needed, and to watch our child come into the world.

He told me that was fucked up and I’m being selfish for saying that. That this pregnancy isn’t about me and I’m not more important of a parent than he is. This is not the first time we’ve had this conversation but it’s the first time I’ve been so blunt about it.

Hes now giving me the silent treatment.

Some of you don’t read and I’m not gonna argue with you. Shut the fuck up lol

He wants me to immediately get hooked up to pitocin in a hospital room and if it doesn’t speed things along fast enough get a c-section. Which is the exact opposite of what I want and so far there is no indication I will need to be induced or need a c-section.

AITA for telling my husband he gets no say in how I give birth?

Gads, what an asshole he is! angry smiley Why do women marry and breed with these losers? Manosphere types can't keep their opinions to themselves for long, so I'm sure she knew his stance before she said I Do. Do women think they can change them?

These types are the same ones who want to ban abortion because of The Holy Fetus. They won't ever understand that it's her body that goes through pregnasty hell, so it's her choice as to how she wants it out of her at the end. They treat pregnant cattle with more respect than their living, breathing spouse.

So glad this won't ever be me.
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