I would have compassion if these things were available to everyone who needed help. I found myself unemployed through no fault of my own, either. I had an advanced degree and the student loans that paid for it. Guess what I got for aid? Zip. Zero. A big goose egg. Why? Because I did not have kids. I did not qualify for unemployment because I get veterans benefits for disability. Ditto for food assistance, rent help. Don't qualify for WIC since I didn't have kids I couldn't afford.

Since these things are not fairly distributed across the board to childed and childless alike, I will judge away....even more so when the person with the spiffy WIC or EBT card has a fresh manicure, new hair, a Coach bag, and a nicer car than me.

Basically this is the wrong board if you are looking for sympathy. TCFL is ----------------------------------------->

Eggs Zackly.

Newsflash to the entitlement moo cunts trolling this board: We childfree people would be a lot less resentful of all the public assistance you bitches hoover up for your brats were it not for the fact that we qualify for basically bupkis in the way of help when we're down on our luck. Do you have any idea how bad off we have to be to even get food stamps? We can pretty much forget Medicaid* in most states and don't even think about asking for welfare. That's called Aid to Families with Dependent Children. No housing assistance either. If you don't have crotch dropplings as far as the government is concerned you can fuck off and die if you lose your job and/or home. For all the blubbering about homeless famblees you see on the news the vast majority of homeless people are single non-parents and that is a fact. And because we get to pay higher taxes to subsidize you irresponsible bitches and your kyds we are less able to save money to get us through hard times.

*I have no health insurance and my income is close to the poverty line but I can't get Medicaid because I didn't shit out a brat. Think about that next time you're at the doctor that you get to see because you're a heroic Singul Moooomie.
Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
May 21, 2011
As a taxpayer, the lack of help for the single and un-childed people of the world pisses me off.

A single person or a person without kyds who is trying to claw his/her way out of bad times is more likely to succeed. Same for domestic violence victims.

Give Wilma the Welfare Whore more money, and she'll just have more kids.
Benefits and pay for the military have dramatically increased over the last 25 years, and everything the rest of you said in response to that military broodmoo is true. She has no reason for being on WIC. None. Should also note that the military services used to have guidelines on how many children a servicemember could afford based on rank, and exceeding the numbers was (rather passively) discouraged, as I understand it. Heck, the Army used to say—not really jokingly—"If we had wanted you [lower-rank] enlisted men to have a family, we'd have issued you one." This bint probably has exceeded the guidelines, if they still exist.

I got my lifelong hatred of breeders and their entitlement mentality in the Navy. When I was an E-5 I was making less than E-1 bimboes who had shat out loaves. Not only that but they CONSTANTLY used their kids to get out of stuff and always got first dibs on taking leave. When I got discharged I cashed out 60 days of leave because I so rarely got to take it. My shipmates with famblees got housing allowances while we single sailors had to live on the ship full time. And when I was on shore duty in Japan I always had a roommate even though by regs I should have qualified for my own room. The reason for that was a good percentage of the private rooms were taken by E-6 men who had opted not to bring their spouses and families with them because they'd bought houses in Norfolk or San Diego or wherever and were using their housing allowance to pay a mortgage which the allowance was NOT intended to do.

One time when I was on my ship in Bremerton, WA there was a big snowstorm coming and our CO announced that all the sailors with famblees could go home while all the single sailors had to stay on board. We were stuck on the ship pulling rotating watches for four fucking days while the Breedersons were snug in their homes. We weren't rewarded for it in any way.

And then there are the single pahrunts who whine to get out of deployments, like the cunt who pulled that shit recently: http://newsone.com/nation/associated-press/army-discharges-single-mom-who-refused-deployment/
Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
May 21, 2011
Gaud, I love this site.

Amen. I've just spent the last 20 minutes LMFAO over all these welfare whore posts.

:bal waving hellolarious Mr. T: I pitty tha foolhankyou bowing mob with pitchforks chasing anothermob :sw

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
May 22, 2011
One time when I was on my ship in Bremerton, WA there was a big snowstorm coming and our CO announced that all the sailors with famblees could go home while all the single sailors had to stay on board. We were stuck on the ship pulling rotating watches for four fucking days while the Breedersons were snug in their homes. We weren't rewarded for it in any way.

When I graduated from basic training, all of the people who didn't have any family members coming to see them graduate were voluntold/had to do stuff that kept us at the area, stuff like handing out programs or holding doors. It wouldn't have been that bad, but, those with family also got to go WITH their family, off post, to wherever, and didn't have to be back until the next day, whereas I couldn't go anywhere or do anything. A bunch of us that didn't have family there got together and had a few beers in town, against the rule, but we were back by our "curfew". Totally worth the exorbitant cab fee into town.
Get out of here you Moo! I can't wait for kidless Kim, slum slut, or Miss Hannigan to hand you your own ass on a silver platter.
Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
October 21, 2011
We HAD to get on WIC to survive so that we can save for when our BABY gets here.

It's called an abortion, you fucking sow. If you're on WIC and your kid isn't even here yet, YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT. Ergo, the rest of us have to pony up to support you and your uncontrolled fuck life. Please die in a fire.

angry flipping off angry flipping off angry flipping off

GAWD this thread is classic! You know they're coming here because they're asking Googling "WIC" and this thread pops up.
Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
October 21, 2011
Get out of here you Moo! I can't wait for kidless Kim, slum slut, or Miss Hannigan to hand you your own ass on a silver platter.

Don't worry, they will. popcorn and jerry springer signjerry
Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
October 21, 2011
Get out of here you Moo! I can't wait for kidless Kim, slum slut, or Miss Hannigan to hand you your own ass on a silver platter.

Ain't no thang. I can haz delete buttonz.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
October 21, 2011
We HAD to get on WIC to survive so that we can save for when our BABY gets here.

It's called an abortion, you fucking sow. If you're on WIC and your kid isn't even here yet, YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT. Ergo, the rest of us have to pony up to support you and your uncontrolled fuck life. Please die in a fire.

angry flipping off angry flipping off angry flipping off

GAWD this thread is classic! You know they're coming here because they're asking Googling "WIC" and this thread pops up.

Wellfare is for people who are unexpectedly down on their luck through no fault of their own, who only need it temporarily until they can get their shit together LIKE ADULTS! It's not something anyone should just be entitled to, or expect, just because they want shit they know they can't afford. If you can't feed them, DON'T BREED THEM!
Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
October 21, 2011
and we found out we're pregnant WHILE USING BIRTH CONTROL.

Then why didn't you have it aborted? Why even bother with contraception? The fact that you chose to carry the pregnancy to term suggests to me that either you weren't particularly serious about using contraception, or you outright sabotaged it. Dumb fucking breeder.

I had to leave. They were having fun wrong.
Hey JESSICA, the way I see it, WIC stands for Worthless, Indigent Cunts. And, WE are not pregnant, YOU are pregnant, unless there has been some massive scientific breakthrough that I am not aware of. You should also re-evaluate your current form of birth control, assuming you were really using it in the first place. You, much like the rest of those with their hands out, have no business breeding. You should head straight to Planned Parenthood and take care of that nasty little problem you have. Keep paying those taxes, so you can help finance the piss-poor choices of the others just like you. GO AWAY!

Sorry regular Bratfree'ers. Couldn't resist.
Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
October 21, 2011
Psht, that bitch doesn't pay taxes. If she qualifies for WIC and is shooting out multiple worthless brats, you know she qualifies for EITC and child tax credits if she even has a fucking job at all - she'll rake in the cash at the end of the year that she'll turn around and spend on a fucking cell phone. The only taxes this cunt pays are on beer and cigarettes.
Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
October 21, 2011
WIC Income Eligibility Guidelines
(Effective from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012)

48 Contiguous States, D.C., Guam and Territories

Persons in Family/ Household Size 2
Annual 27,214
Monthly 2,268
Twice-Monthly 1,134
Bi-Weekly 1,047
Weekly 524

So both of them together are making minimum wage in order to qualify, since anything more disqualifies them from WIC. Precisely the people you DON'T want having kids because they can't afford it. You know them...the ones who scream WE PAY TAXES....yeah, they pay in 2K and get 5K back in "refunds."

("Fuck all y'all haters," she screeches as she pulls her welfare vouchers out of her 300 dollar Coach purse.)

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
October 21, 2011
Ahhhhh, the little redneck from Arkansas has to drag out an old topic she inadvertently found while looking up ways on the internet on how to scam the state for MORE welfare benefits. Jessie, if you are ON welfare, then it's nearly 100% you are shitting out more kids than you can afford and LIKELY because they all have different baby daddys who you can't get (or find, or know who they are) to pony up their child support. You can only get WIC for kids under 6 OR if you're knocked up with yet another bastard child. So, just how many you have anyway or are you knocked up again?confused smiley

Welfare whores don't pay taxes and if a handful do happen to have a 15 hour a week job in order to qualify for the (UN)"Earned Income Tax Credit" where a small percentage of taxes are withheld, you get EVERY PENNY BACK, and then some, in April or before when you pay EXTRA to get that rapid "refund". GO AWAY NOW JESSIE, or I will be forced to expose ALL of your personal information on here VIA your IP address so you can be fodder for our delight and laughs for a day or two. It is AGAINST OUR RULES for parents to post here, so any punishment you get from breaking our rules is your OWN fault, dumdum.:yeah

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
October 21, 2011
Am I crazy? I can't see Jessie's post. Was it deleted already? Did anyone happen to copy it?
Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
October 21, 2011
Am I crazy? I can't see Jessie's post. Was it deleted already? Did anyone happen to copy it?

They are hidden now, but basically she claims she is a hard working married woman, HAD to get on WIC to "SURVIVE" until her "BABY" was born and "SAVE MONEY"and like most all of the other trolls, she makes the claim she got knocked up while using birth control, blah blah blah blah....and we are "IGNORANT" and must be nice to be "well off", yada yada yada......so forth and so on.......sleeping and they pay taxes too..........wah wah wah... NOTHING is ever their own faults either. Oh, and a nice "FUCK YOU!!!!" was tossed in for good measure. I am certain she wouldn't want her church friends, parents, husband, and co-workers to see how she trolls and uses such FOUL language on the world wide web. Perhaps she'll take a hint and not come back. It would be in her best interest if she didn't.angrily flogging with a whip

Maybe she can go to our "Restroom" forum on here and look and see what happened to some of the other trolls who were WARNED and then wouldn't go away. bouncing and laughing

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
October 21, 2011
Am I crazy? I can't see Jessie's post. Was it deleted already? Did anyone happen to copy it?

Trolls get made invisible pretty quickly (we've got an automated system and plenty of moderators as well), but sometimes a mod will bring it back in teensy tiny font for amusement value.
Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
October 21, 2011
you guys sure you want this topic closed to further replies? I think it's fun when it gets bumped to the front page...

By the way, this was the latest moo-troll post:

FUCK YOU. Okay, so maybe if you were actually put in the situation to where you HAD to get on WIC to SURVIVE then maybe you would understand. I AM MARRIED, and we LIVE ON OUR OWN, and we found out we're pregnant WHILE USING BIRTH CONTROL. We HAD to get on WIC to survive so that we can save for when our BABY gets here. WOW, ignorant people like you make me sick. We work our asses off and we still need help so shut the fuck up and realize that maybe not everyone is as lucky & well off with money as you are.

OH & guess what? WE PAY OUR TAXES TOO.
Ignorant people.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
October 21, 2011
OMG how could you possibly close this thread, it's a classic! We get the most hilarious trolls in it.

I always LMAO when the mods put the troll posts in teeny tiny crossed out font. waving hellolarious
Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
October 21, 2011
Psht, that bitch doesn't pay taxes. If she qualifies for WIC and is shooting out multiple worthless brats, you know she qualifies for EITC and child tax credits if she even has a fucking job at all - she'll rake in the cash at the end of the year that she'll turn around and spend on a fucking cell phone. The only taxes this cunt pays are on beer and cigarettes.

That reminds of an undeniably ignorant comment which spewed forth from the mouth of a WIC-Welfare Cunt who was a waitress in the restaurant I managed many years ago. It also illustrates their PURE idiocy, lack of awareness of BASIC things that ANY adult should know, and their mindset. She was one of those who worked just enough, but not a MINUTE longer than absolutely necessary, to make the $3500 or so a year they have to earn in order to qualify for THOUSANDS in the EITC, "refund". HOW can something be a "refund" if NOTHING was paid in order to get any money back?confused smiley

Anyway, the subject of taxes came up in general conversation among several employees in the break room and when she claimed to pay taxes TOO, when one of the other fellas told her she was lucky she didn't have to pay taxes, with complete sincerity she actually said, "That's JUST not true! Every time I buy a pack of cigarettes, EVERY time I buy gas, and every time I buy anything they ALWAYS charge me extra for tax!. So, I DO pay my taxes, just like everybody else!" She was about 27-28 years old too and had 2 regular kids and a loaf.:smn

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
October 21, 2011
Not if you rely on Uncle Sam to feed your ass.
Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
October 21, 2011
Why can't I get WIC for having a dog? They're expensive!
What's all this talk about personal responsibility for my choices? Fuck that! Gimme, gimme, gimme!
Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
October 21, 2011

I always LMAO when the mods put the troll posts in teeny tiny crossed out font. waving hellolarious

I was too lazy to do that this afternoon and i was on the ipod when i saw it.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: In line behind a WIC (welfare) whore at Kroger
October 22, 2011
Another classic moo welfare troll.

I'll never forget the day on of these {insert favorite obscenity here} killed a man.

We are always talking about when brats and breeders do something dumb tying
up Emergency Services and Police and putting other people at risk. Here's a case of WIC/
Welfare moo doing just that.

I was working a volunteer EMS shift. I was doing the BLS truck that day. Call comes in for a 2 year old major trauma. We roll and the ALS truck rolls from father out. County dispatch says the child has a large laceration on the hand and if bleeding profusely. We roll full response - red lights, siren, passing cars etc. The kind of response that is most dangerous.

background - rural area all volunteer. Usually only had one crew at the station. Any second crew would hove to come in from home if they had a pager on. During the day when most people are at work a second crew is hard to get out. So the next town might have to send their main crew. That could be a very significant distance and time. The Advanced Life Support crew had a chase truck not an ambulance so they could not transport. There was usually only one or two ALS trucks for the whole county. They were only sent on calls that sound like life / limb threats.

While we we're rolling on the "major trauma" a second hit comes in for an elderly man with Severe Chest Pain and trouble breathing. We had no second crew available. The ALS crew was committed to our call. Dispatch informs us our call had profuse bleeding per the caller (WIC/Welfare moo)

We arrive on scene to find a two year old running around the house playing and yelling with a less than one centimeter lac on the web between his index and middle finger from a pinking shear! A non bleeding laceration!

We immediately canceled the ALS unit so it could divert to the chest pain (after coming 15 plus miles our way). WIC/Welfare moo nor duh.was not happy about that but that wasn't all!

a little more background - the home we arrived at was a brand new ranch home, it had more kindercrap strewn around than a freaking toy store. As I said the kid was playing and in no distress and the estimated blood loss was less than 5 milliliters or a teaspoons. Moo had a welfare card in hand and WIC was visible in the wallet. The car in the driveway was nicer than anyone of us on the crew owned and the house was nicer than most of ours.

So while we're figuring out this was not a freaking emergency dispatch calls out the man with chest pain is now in full cardiac arrest - with no ambulance on scene yet! If it wasn't for entitle moo we would have been on that scene, started oxygen, been loaded and in route to rendezvous with the ALS truck. We also would have been there with a defibrillator and been ready. The oxygen may have prevented the cardiac arrest (this was under EMT standards of the 90's).

But instead of releasing us moo wanted us to drive snotley to the ER and get him "stitched up and we'll come down and get him later! That stupid angry smileyangry smiley So we had to take the time to explain that if we took a very non critical child like that to the ER they could not treat until one the parents showed up to sign consent and no I could not give consent for them. So, one of them would have to come with us, no we we not going to run this with sirens, oh and because this was not emergent or even medically necessary welfare would not pay for it (stretched the truth on that one). Then I told them how much it would cost (not stretched - I found out from the office I under quoted. I said it was $500 just to open the garage door and I was low). So moo still wanted a dressing and didn't want a band aid. So I kling wrapped a 2x2 on it and got the forms signed.

We ran to the ambulance to see if we were needed on the other run but the next town's unit had arrived and transported. The other patient did not make it. Dead because some selfish moo could not figure out how to:
1) keep scissors out of reach of a two year old.
2) apply a fucking band aid
3) when a cut needs a stitch
4) when to call 911
5) And was to lazy to take their own kid to an ER - not that he needed it.

Basically what the moo wanted was other people to baby sit her brat for a few hours so she could watch her afternoon TV programs and wanted welfare to pay for it. And it cost an innocent man his life. Kiss my ass troll. If you cancelled the internet, cell phone and cable you'd save over $200 bucks a month. That would pay for what you're taking from the taxpayers.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
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