Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 17, 2011
Miss Hannigan, we are on the same wavelength.

Maybe it's like Beetlejuice?

RatsNotBrats! RatsNotBrats! RatsNotBrats!
Anonymous User
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 17, 2011
This really makes TCFL look like a quality board with people of character, full of mods who strive to keep the peace and correct negative behavior and attitudes. Completely unlike those Bratfree cretins.

It'd be a goddamn shame if they never found out one of their pet breeders is a compulsive liar and fraud.

imagine the shitfight on the moo boards she frequents if they found out she posted here.
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 17, 2011
All I can say looking at those photos is GO TEAM TRISOMY!

Where is Stephen Lynch when you need him?

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 17, 2011
Geez, I'm gone over the weekend and look what I miss! Wow... Thanks for digging that one up, Miss H. What a storyteller! I guess I'm not surprised... Though I'm not very good at reading people on here. I just assume not trust anyone. It's so sad that it's come to this.

Okay, now it's Rats turn! Come on out, girl!
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 17, 2011
I am also VERY glad I don't have to see that weird pink chewing avatar anymore. WTF was that thing?

It looked to me to be something from the BBC program Creature Comforts. There was something rather endearing about Claymation figures speaking with British accents.

ETA: Nope, I'm wrong. Supreme Fatness got it right, though.
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 17, 2011

I believe it is Brown from Purple and Brown.
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 17, 2011
supreme fatness

I believe it is Brown from Purple and Brown.

Nailed it.
Anonymous User
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 18, 2011
One more late commentator, and apologies for bumping this to the top.

While I don't comment a whole lot (I find myself agreeing with the regulars all the time) but read here daily (and the Bitchy Waiter)

Cheers to Miss H :beer

I couldn't be arsed with kbc, I read a few lines into her fundie thread and got bored, I guess the CF instinct registered twaddle and I disengaged.

I have read tcfl a few times (pretty much confirms where I ought to be, HERE.) full of bp's and full of bs.I've seen some of kmoos posts and thought she may have an account here but was never too sure.

I often don't log in so i'm prob one of the guests, I guess I should be more vocal, and I understand the wariness newbies are approached with having read here for over a year and seen trolls come and go.

cheers to the regulars, you guys crack me up. I could rant about co-workers and the umpteen 'new' cousins, second cousins (thankfully me and my sisters haven't sprogged or plan to) but I find you guys do it well and reading here always reminds me to exhale.

love to hear RnB's thoughts...

Not kissing ass but giving yiz the props you deserve.
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 18, 2011
While I don't comment a whole lot (I find myself agreeing with the regulars all the time) but read here daily (and the Bitchy Waiter)

The Bitchy Waiter is my hero.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 18, 2011
kbc, you are a fucking lying cunt. Typical.
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 18, 2011
Rose Red
kbc, you are a fucking lying cunt. Typical.

The Bitchy Waiter is my heroooOOOOOOOoooooOO!!~

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 18, 2011
Solitaire, no apologies for bumping, this is my current favorite thread anyway and I'd kinda hate to see it die. I get no end of pleasure ripping on crazy fugly moos and their fugly brats.
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 18, 2011
What's her screen name over on the other site where she regularly posts? I'd like to mosey on over there and lurk and see what she has to say for herself about all of this nonsense, if anything.

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 18, 2011
What's her screen name over on the other site where she regularly posts? I'd like to mosey on over there and lurk and see what she has to say for herself about all of this nonsense, if anything.

On TCFL it's just "kimmie".

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 18, 2011
It all seems so easy (to find out personal details). So either she's quite stupid (most likely scenario), or she is very devious and is actually another person pretending to be this woman and making deliberate mistakes. It's obvious that we're dealing with someone who has plenty of time to put in to crafting a fake persona, and has a questionable grip with reality, so when I consider a person like that I don't consider layers of falsehood as out of the question.

Stupidity is of course the most likely explanation. I just thought I'd mention this before anyone feels moved to embark on a rl mob with pitchforks chasing anothermob
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 18, 2011
Come on guys:

tongue sticking out smiley

I walk the path of life to my own rhythm, my own beat-if you don't like it, step off and find your own damn song!
Anonymous User
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 18, 2011
@ Law and SS - props to the Bitchy Waiter bloody genius

I like the idea of this thread being around for a while thumbs upwink

While i've questioned my own sanity several times, between kbc and yoshie (who made another fucking ridiculous return) i'm not sure if they are one and the same person or the restraints haven't been fastened and the patients are truly running the asylums...
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 18, 2011
Come on guys:

tongue sticking out smiley

waving hellolarious

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 18, 2011
Robert Bachewich, age 43 is Kimmie's husband. How PROUD he must be to have her as his wife. I would be willing to bet that while he is working all of the time that he has NO IDEA that his wife is posting all of this nonsense all over the net and on childFREE sites too. I would think that a man would be disturbed to learn of anything like this especially when his WIFE is a Stay At Home Mom. WHEN is she being a mom when she is so bizzy living some fantasy life (or two or three) online? Apparently they occasionally share the "angusandkim" username, which is how I located him via facebook. Perhaps someone might have time to "friend" him on facebooger, since we all have so much in common and all.bouncing and laughing

There are MANY husbands who have no idea that their bitch's "exhausting day" consists of playing on the computer.

"You can't slit the throat of every cocksucker whose character it would improve."
-Al Swearingen
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 18, 2011
It all seems so easy (to find out personal details). So either she's quite stupid (most likely scenario), or she is very devious and is actually another person pretending to be this woman and making deliberate mistakes. It's obvious that we're dealing with someone who has plenty of time to put in to crafting a fake persona, and has a questionable grip with reality, so when I consider a person like that I don't consider layers of falsehood as out of the question.

Stupidity is of course the most likely explanation. I just thought I'd mention this before anyone feels moved to embark on a rl mob with pitchforks chasing anothermob

Oh I can't imagine wasting my time beyond a few clicks here and there for laughs. She's made it so easy to find funny shit with just that one little mention of an email back in 09 on that diaper site. After that, it was like taking candy from a baybee. I too think that it was pure stupidity and carelessness on her part and I have no doubt that kbc is Kim Coon Bachewich in real life, or possibly Kim Bachewich-Coon. It's entirely possibly that Robert is her brother OR ex husband, but you can bet that they are related due to the unusual name and their being in the same location. IP addresses don't lie. I would imagine that her embarrassment of being outed, COMPLETE with belly pics, and the fear of any number of people posting shit on facebooger for her husband and sons to see will likely keep her in her hole for quite some time. blushing

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 18, 2011
The Best of Kimmie :ds

Gender expert
1)'I have 3 boys and was given the same crap. People were acting as if I was "incomplete" because I did not have a girl. I was perfectly happy having all boys. When I expressed that then I was anti-girl People are way too concerned with other people's lives. I have had people comment how I should keep trying until I get a girl. I tell then that my decision to add more children into our lives is not based on gender. My grand mother could not carry girls. All of them were miscarried. I have had several losses, myself. I am assuming that I would never have a girl. Plus, each time you carry a male fetus, you are most likely to get PG with another male again.':BS

"TTC" one minute, PCOS patient and getting an IUD the next
2)They do not test women who are not trying to get pregnant. It is horrible. I have seen doctors just hand out medications without finding out WHY a woman's cycle is painful, long, heavy, or irregular. Women have to tell their doctor that they want to know why and how to fix it. I have to be on Metformin for my PCOS to make sure all my hormones are normal. I then went on the IUD to be sure I do not get PG.confused smiley

Medical-gynecological expert
3)....I always look at the individual's health record and family history, whether they are looking for long or short term methods, and what their cycles are like. For a childFREE woman who has horrible cycles, I recommend sterilization and the Mirena. These will make it so she NEVER becomes preggo and also adds enough hormones to stop the horrible periods.

Unselfish philanthropist
4)I have donated milk - I guess I live up to the term "moo" I did it locally. I had been tested as they test you when you are pregnant. I offered a bill of health. It saved this woman a ton of money. These FDA ran milk banks make shit loads of money. Why should babies lose out on what is supposed to be their food because it costs parents $10 per ounce to buy what a lactating mom gives for FREE. Fuck that. If I am donating milk, I want the recipient to get for FREE. All milk is best "raw" and unprocessed. Any lactating woman can get her medical records to prove she is disease and toxic medication free.

NOW she's a med student
5)Where did you go to med school? I was accepted to UNE in Maine.

Diverse sexually too. Practically the Forest Gump of the fucking internet
6)I am bisexual, married to a man, and childed. Would you like me to answer?

She's a real Honest Abe
7).....I guess I put too much stock into a true relationship. I want my love to be honest with me. I want to be honest with him....

Just ODD. Was she pretending to be CF at this point?
8)DH and I were just talking about this yesterday. I have an adversion to buying a home. I do not want the responsibility at this time. Right now we have a 1500 su ft apartment. We can have dogs, cats, fish, and any other pets we want. We have a yard and a private drive. All the rooms are huge and support our family (family = all living beings in our home of all species). DH wants to buy a home.......
I do not want to buy a home based on human children. Human children turn to adults that I expect will leave this dwelling once they become old enough. Paying for the extra room that I will have to spend time in my older years having to clean does not sound fun to me. I love dogs and cats and have many. They are not clean. They shed and make a mess (worse than the human monkeys in my home) and so the idea of cleaning a 3-4 bedroom large home at 70 does not sound appealing.............. I told DH when we buy I would love a 2 bedroom home with a finished basement. It would have a living room, kitchen/dining room, 2 large bedrooms (the spare would be a guest room with sleeper sofa and double as my computer room), and a finished basement for DH's home theater room he has always wanted.

It would be the perfect size for us with only 2 dogs and few cats. I am disabled, so I want something that is easy enough for me to upkeep on my own if need be. Something that I can take care of myself in when I am elderly. DH is 7 years older than me and has more serious health issues, so I want to be able to care for him as well and have my howm be easy to do it in.

Child statis (human and other) definately has/does contribute to my housing choices. I could own, but I choose not to. I rather place my money elsewhere right now than into an unexpected new roof, hot water heater, etc. I do not want to have to spend the extra money on the upkeep and other expenses that a home owner has to. Too much responsibility for me at this time when I am not sure what the future will hold.:crz

Conflicting posts in different forums on the SAME day
9)I have a double degree in Biology and Chemistry with an emphasis in Cell and Molecular Biology, was a nurse for an Reproductive Endocrinologist, did a year of med school before deciding NO WAY, and now work helping women get or avoid getting pregnant)...........

10)It makes me so happy to hear where my tax dollars go smile rolling left right: I am disabled, yet I still work from home, take care of 3 kids, keep a clean house, and do not get ANY assistance...............

Perhaps this "helping women" with their reproductive status is what the lunar fertility charts she peddles is about?shrug There are over 40 more pages like this, but I grew tired of reading it because it made my head hurt.:smn

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 18, 2011
The Best of Kimmie :ds

Gender expert
1)'I have 3 boys and was given the same crap. People were acting as if I was "incomplete" because I did not have a girl. I was perfectly happy having all boys. When I expressed that then I was anti-girl People are way too concerned with other people's lives. I have had people comment how I should keep trying until I get a girl. I tell then that my decision to add more children into our lives is not based on gender. My grand mother could not carry girls. All of them were miscarried. I have had several losses, myself. I am assuming that I would never have a girl. Plus, each time you carry a male fetus, you are most likely to get PG with another male again.':BS

She should have married Henry VIII.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 18, 2011
They call her stripper! Stripper! Her habit is lying
No one you see is dumber than she
And we know stripper lives in a dump near the pipeline
She got her ass kicked here at Bratfree

Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 18, 2011
Yeah, I missed most of this whole thing too.

Have seen this cow's posts, however. I hated the pink chewy thing too.

Did also see the thread about her "long lost preggo sis" or whatever that shit was - and that did seem kinda *off* to me - but, I just thought "meh" and kept moving.

Nice work, Miss H! smiling smiley

Ancillary thought - while I am *all against* board wars - I do feel this person needs to be called out on other boards. It's one thing to troll, just to troll. Usually an easily spotted ignoramus. And it's one thing to try to "debate" us - stating you are a parent. Both things, as CLEARLY UNWELCOME as they are - might be understandable. And correctable.

Flat out LIARS are another thing. Especially those *purposefully lying*. You could maybe even forgive a fence sitter for "embellishing" a bit.

But this person was a FLAT OUT LIAR - from the get go.

I say - let the truth BE KNOWN!

Of course, people from TCFL will likely come here and see this thread and the word will get out.

Again, Nice work! Miss H!

And Again - I really hated that pink chewy creature. ACK.
Re: kbc is kimmie from TCFL
January 18, 2011
Fertile Myrtile Speaks:

"I have been pregnant many times. I lost my frist pregnancy at 30 weeks with twins and lost both children. While I would not wish that on anyone (especially as I was only 16 years old), it was for the best for everyone. I was with the guy 4 years and got pregnant on Depo AGAIN at the tail end of our relationship. I had not found out until I was 12 weeks along with twins AGAIN. I found out at my next injection. I thought something was wrong, but the Family Planning said that it was normal for Depo to make you gain weight (I am a thin woman), feel pregnant (the progesterone), and not have periods. I was going to terminate as I broke it off with the guy and did not want to be a single mom at 19 or be stuck with the guy. I miscarried a week later due to "Depo intoxication" of the girls.

I got PG again on several types of birth control. I was a faithful taker of my pills and even used condoms. The 2 times the condom broke - I got PG both times. I miscarried at 7 weeks and the last one in that era of my life resulted in my 13 year old son. Come to find out I have PCOS and that is why I have had so many losses. Being thin means they assume you cannot have this condition. I was not treated until I lost 6 more PGs while actively trying with my DH.

I think I have the best PGs EVER. I never get sick, feel awful, etc. But I HATE being PG. I have to disconnect or I get grossed out about it. I do not like feeling something inside my body. I always have joked that children should grow in pods on the ceiling. Yes, I love my boys. Yes, it was worth it for ME. Yes, I would do it again if I wanted another child. Do I LIKE the process? NO WAY!!! I have the BEST possible pregnancies and deliveries. Once done, you would never know I had kids. I am lucky, but I never enjoy the process - other than the sex of course...LOL!!"

GOOD LORD!waving hellolarious

Broken condoms, getting knocked up on the pill WHILE using condoms, Depo shots, "several different types of birth control", AND she managed it all while having undiagnosed PCOS. :BS

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
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